@Speckotts29wrote:I had to resort to using my mobile and going up stairs to get a signal
Does your mobile not support WiFi Calling?
I’ve only just updated my mobile as ee were no longer supporting 3G and although it’s an old iPhone it doesn’t appear to be the case.
Get TXT relayed as voice but whichever way BT tries to peddle this it's **bleep**.
The voice relay thing is hard work with long pin nos. especially since they are read out as 'five hundred and fifty six thousand, nine hundred and forty two' and if they move up to longer pins !!!!
My phone would send a txt to let me know I had an answer phone message, can BT kindly explain how that's supposed to work with whatsapp ?
How old an iPhone? Google suggests anything back to the 2014 iPhone 6 should support WiFi Calling.
But not all providers support WiFi calling though. It is a fairly recent innovation for Tesco Mobile.