Message 61 of 80

Re: Telephone line switch off ?

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What is the point of this thread continuing.  The OP has made up his mind that the "project" should be "optional" and is not going ahead. In addition that his phone line is "not compatible" and that he is  "not changing our phone line just for the sake of a router which can only be used to make phone calls and has to be left switched on all day". 

He is not prepared to post any results of the broadband checker and is not prepared to take on board the advice that has been offered. The posts are now going round in circles. This thread should be locked.

Message 62 of 80

Re: Telephone line switch off ?

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If you don't want broadband and you have a mobile phone why not cancel your BT phone now and save some money. Depending on your O2 contract calls will probably be included in the contract.

Message 63 of 80

Re: Telephone line switch off ?

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@imjolly wrote:


As you have your head stuck in the sand 

Oh oh, don't say that, your post will be deleted!

Message 64 of 80

Re: Telephone line switch off ?

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@Anonymous Please take a look at this link which will explain why this is all happening. I'm afraid it's an industry wide change being done by 600+ providers and has been a programme that has been ongoing since 2017.


Also delivery of voice services are just one small part of the change, with the PSTN closing lots of industries and equipment have already been upgraded in preparation for this. From Traffic lights, lifts, ATMs, metering systems. So I'm afraid the shift to VoIP and All IP will and is already happening.



Now as to your individual line, there's lots of help and support out there and as already said those with a residential voice only service start to be migrated late 2023. Please do post the results from https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ as that will help the community give you an educated guess on what may happen when that time comes. 


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Message 65 of 80

Re: Telephone line switch off ?

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I am just trying to explain the fact I don't have a compatible phone line that works with broadband.

If my telephone line doesn't work with a suitable broadband connection isn't my fault! I'm only trying to point this out to you!

Anyway I was already informed by @Bob1001 @that it is an optional project so I should be able to carry on after 2025 with my present phone and telephone line, without the need for a router, as I will just say no and the difficulties with a VoiP set that this would cause me.

I will try the router I will be sent in 2025 but if it doesn't work will just post it back to BT.

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Message 66 of 80

Re: Telephone line switch off ?

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I was informed by @Bob1001 that the VioP project is optional. I merely asked the Community whether it was or not. That was my reply from Bob and @Bob1001  also corrected @licquorice as Licquorice had already told me it wasn't optional.

The post "The OP has made up his mind that the "project" should be "optional" and is not going ahead" is something I never said. I am merely trying to point out the problems switching off phone lines would cause. 

It makes no difference whether it's optional or not, my line wouldn't be satisfactory to make a VoiP call on. @Bob1001  also pointed out that someone with an alumimium line also has the same problem.

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Message 67 of 80

Re: Telephone line switch off ?

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I haven't got broadband! I never said I didn't want it, but I do like 02!

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Message 68 of 80

Re: Telephone line switch off ?

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Broadband checkers only tell you what you SHOULD be getting with a compatible phone line. 


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Message 69 of 80

Re: Telephone line switch off ?

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Its optional. I won't be changing thank you. @Bob1001 also confirmed this.


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Message 70 of 80

Re: Telephone line switch off ?

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@Bob1001 told me it was optional. He also corrected your blue line in your post to me that said it wasn't optional.

You didn't get what Bob meant! It's optional. He was correcting you.


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