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Message 11 of 70

Re: digital voice and draytek vigor 2862


Thanks once more for your prompt reply.

Not sure what you mean when you say, “Do not need to be connected to outside world to set up the routers”. Sorry I am being a bit of pratt here, but I thought the only way to configure these routers was only via web admin pages on the internet? Enlighten me as I am a sponge for new info.

Ok I conjured up the confidence this evening to set up the BT SH2, took a few saves and each stage and one reboot to finally retain all the settings you advise. At one stage I could not log back into BT SH2 admin page, a reboot solved that one. Overall, a simple process with your excellent guidance.

I noted that my BT email was not functioning via outlook or BT email log in page, but I guess that is because of the change from to in IPv4 settings for the BT SH2? I assume this must be the case, because after disconnecting BT SH2 from wall ADSL socket, switching off and reconnecting the Draytek all email functionality has been resumed.

I also noted that the BT SH2 home page states that my Digital Voice phone is not configured, clicking on the greyed-out message “Phone not Configured” resulted in a zero response.

Thanks Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Message 12 of 70

Re: digital voice and draytek vigor 2862

The web admin page resides on the router, not the internet. You are accessing it via a local IP address which is not routable on the internet in any case.

If the BT hub is showing DV as not configured and power cycling the hub has no effect it means the service hasn't been provisioned yet.


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Message 13 of 70

Re: digital voice and draytek vigor 2862

As Licquorice says, the configuration settings are local to the router.  192.168.x is a private, (in the sense that it is internal), address in your network and nothing to do with the outside world.

It’s usually easier to do the initial setup offline and then reconnect to test but you can do it connected if you want.

If you can’t get back into something after you’ve rebooted it’s usually because you’ve not reset the address on the computer to match the address change on the router.  (Two devices must be in the same network to talk directly to each other, i.e. the first three numbers in the address must be the same.  To talk to a different network, you need the router working.  That’s what routers do.  They create the “route” between different networks).

The email problem will be nothing to do with the changes made.  So long as the router is connecting to the internet the email should work as before, irrespective of the local address.

Did BT send you a text confirming the DV was up and running?  (I would take their intended date with a pinch of salt).  If they did, the SH2 will need a reboot to download the new settings.  If it still says 'not configured' then they have not set it up, or at least, not properly.

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Message 14 of 70

Re: digital voice and draytek vigor 2862


Thanks again for your reply, sharing your knowledge and wisdom of routers to the uninformed such as me.

I am learning at each communication point thanks.

Digital voice:- Its my fault as usual, because the BT SH2 was not on line when they configured it.

Router Admin pages:- Interesting I had no idea one could configure the router offline and that it was local. Am I to assume to access the local admin page one types in the router IP to the internet browser? And therefore, if one types in the https web admin page one gains access via the internet to the web admin page?

As for email not functioning and not being able to access BT SH2 router web admin page, once more I think it was me fumbling around during the reconfiguration of the BT SH2. I will check once more this evening after a re-connect of the BT SH2 and as you clearly state it should be OK.

At some stage I need to reconfigure the EWAN on the Draytek, bite bullet and go for gold.  

Thanks Hmmmmmmmmm


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Message 15 of 70

Re: digital voice and draytek vigor 2862

Hi Liquorice,

Thanks for your reply, sharing your knowledge and wisdom of routers to the uninformed such as me.

I am learning at each communication point thanks.

Regards Hmmmmmmmmmmm

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Message 16 of 70

Re: digital voice and draytek vigor 2862

“And therefore, if one types in the https web admin page one gains access via the internet to the web admin page?”

What you are doing is internal and does not go via the internet.  In fact, accessing those settings across the internet would be a security risk, (see below).

As I said before, the router’s job is to send packets to other networks.  When a packet arrives at the Draytek it looks at the destination IP address.  If the network part of the address is not its own network it sends it out on the WAN port.

If the address is part of its own network, it sets about deciding which LAN port it needs to go to.  (Incidentally, the LAN/switch ports use the MAC address to deliver internal traffic and not the IP address).

In the case of talking to the SH2, the Draytek decides it’s not its network and sends it out on the WAN port where it goes off to the SH2.  If the address in the packet is for the SH2 management page the SH2 will reply to it.

(If the address is for another network, the SH2 does the same as the Draytek.  That is, sends it to the WAN port (DSL port in the case of FTTC/VDSL) and off it goes to the ISP.  The ISP’s routers then do the same and the process repeats.  Effectively the packet zig-zags across the internet until it reaches the router it is addressed to).

Accessing the internal configuration settings does not go beyond the router you are trying to talk to.  There is no going across the internet for that, (unless you are logging in from a remote location).  In fact, for security reasons, I seem to recall that connecting to the management page across the internet is blocked by default on the SH2 and you can’t turn it on.

On the Draytek it is possible.  There is a tick box under System Maintenance > Management > Allow management from the internet.  It should be unticked by default.  I’d leave it unticked if I were you.  Along with the same setting under IPv6.  (You do need to leave the one under LAN management ticked…that’s the one you’re using).

Message 17 of 70

Re: digital voice and draytek vigor 2862


Referring to last message 16 of 16, I see your point concerning router functionality, in fact I have this evening purchased a 2024 book from Amazon in a bid to get better educated with routers and networking.

Referring to message 11 of 16, my concern “I noted that my BT email was not functioning via outlook or BT email log in page”. I have once more connected up the BT SH2 this evening, to double check the settings you advise. I have access to the internet, however again no access to BT email via outlook on the PC, and on the BT online webpage.   

Following your advice Go into the SH2 then Advanced settings > My network > IPv4 Configuration and change the setting from to  Note, the DHCP on the SH2 is a bit flaky and you may need to change the DHCP server range to the same third number even though you are not going to use it.  Once you’ve done that, turn the DHCP server off.”    I note you state “May”, in any event I did change this number to same third number i.e. “0”.

So currently I am stuck still running VDSL direct from BT wall Socket into VDSL port on Draytek, BT SH2 is off and disconnected with Digital Voice still to be configured by BT.

Any advice is welcomed, thanks again for patience and tenacity.

Thanks Hmmmmmmmmmmm

0 Ratings
Message 18 of 70

Re: digital voice and draytek vigor 2862

Strange.  As I said, if everything else is working the mail should be too.  I take it you can connect to other websites?

I don’t use BT mail myself, but the test account I’ve just set up works fine.  Exactly what error message are you getting?

I would suggest trying a trace on the route.  Open a command prompt on your PC (type cmd in the search box) and type


This takes a couple of minutes to run but should list all the routers it passes through to reach its destination.

The important entries are the first three which should be the address of the Draytek, the address of the SH2 and the gateway address at BT’s end.  So long as you get a return from the first three the mail has reached BT and it’s not a problem with the router setup.   (Ignore any *.  Often this test is blocked by routers today as it can be abused.  Those routers will ignore it and time out). 

0 Ratings
Message 19 of 70

Re: digital voice and draytek vigor 2862


Thanks again for your response.

I will answer your first two questions after midnight, I can only disconnect Draytek and connect BT SH2 after midnight. Too much dependency on current Draytek network throughout the daytime and evening.

In answer to your question “Trace on the Route Test” please find results below:-


1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms

  2     4 ms     4 ms     4 ms

  3     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  4     8 ms     8 ms     8 ms

Number one as you predicted is the Draytek IP

Number two I have no idea but is a million miles from the BT SH2 router IP of

Number three ignore as you advised

Number four i.e. the third result I have no idea but again a million miles from anything I have set up.

As for the BT gateway address, I see nothing that resembles it in the results.

By the way how do I access router admin page when it is not connected to the internet?

Thanks Hmmmmm

0 Ratings
Message 20 of 70

Re: digital voice and draytek vigor 2862

@Hmmmm wrote:


Thanks again for your response.

I will answer your first two questions after midnight, I can only disconnect Draytek and connect BT SH2 after midnight. Too much dependency on current Draytek network throughout the daytime and evening.

In answer to your question “Trace on the Route Test” please find results below:-


1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms

  2     4 ms     4 ms     4 ms

  3     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  4     8 ms     8 ms     8 ms

Number one as you predicted is the Draytek IP

Number two I have no idea but is a million miles from the BT SH2 router IP of

It is the BT BRAS (broadband Remote Access Server)

Number three ignore as you advised

Number four i.e. the third result I have no idea but again a million miles from anything I have set up.

It is the IP address of the BT mail Server that you performed the tracert to.

As for the BT gateway address, I see nothing that resembles it in the results.

By the way how do I access router admin page when it is not connected to the internet?

The same way as when it is connected to the internet. The internet connection is irrelevant.

Thanks Hmmmmm


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