Our ASUS router worked fine with EE, but not with our new BT broadband.
Have tried restoring to factory settings.
The issue seems to be with BT not responding to a login request, this is the error:
Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Unable to complete PPPoE discovery
We are using the the PPPoE login: bthomehub@btbroadband.com
I called BT to ask them for help, but they said as this was a third party appliance they weren't interested.
Any ideas please?
What service do you have & how is the Asus connected?
Thanks for such a quick reply!
We have BT broadband fibre 2 - which is working great (speed 73Mbps as expected).
The ASUS is connected using a cable from the BT modem (not the WAN port though, I know we shouldn't use that) to the WAN port on the ASUS router.
I have tried several cables in case the error was there. The one currently in place worked fine connecting the BT modem to a BT whole home hub disc, so I know that one works.
What modem are you using? Are you sure you don't mean hub as BT no longer supply modems.
By BT modem do you mean a BT Hub?
If so the hub s logging into the BT network. You need to set up the router as an access point or use automatic ip for the connection type.
Sorry, I'm not great with the language. yes, the new hub for fibre 2, it was only posted out to me last week.
Then that will be handling the PPPoE session not the Asus.
You either need to use the Asus in AP mode by connecting LAN to LAN or as @stevebrass says, configure the WAN port as either a static IP address outside of the DHCP range of the hub or DHCP and get an address from the hub
As BT Hubs have no modem mode I think I might be inclined to give the Smart Hub 2 try on its own first. The only real downside to that is an inability to split the SSIDs for 2.4 & 5GHz. If you can live with that then you may find it does the job for you.
If you're set on using the Asus then consider picking up an old BT (Huawei) HG612 modem from Ebay.