So, last night, BT done something to the network, we now are unable to log into BT wifi with our iphones, we have to use ee wifi. Sounds ok but we have 3 BT black discs and they do not recognise ee wifi so our apple iphones are useless unless in range of the BT smart 2 hub. Have tried factory reset, changing bands, reset Iphone network settings all to no avail. BT "helpline"(term used very loosely) have said they cant fix it and will send an engineer on 23rd( yes over 2 weeks away even when on halo 3 !) Use the mini hub they said - we dont have a signal - what now ! So my question is has anyone found a work around to bt black discs not accepting iphones ? Ps when we log into the BT wifi app it says you are using EE wifi !
It sounds as though you are using the BT WiFi app to access your own network? Ideally, you'd be using the connection details from the card on the back or base of your router. You'd then only need to use BT WiFi when you are out and about!
Exactly, why on earth are you using BT/EE wifi instead of the home network.
correct as the iphones will not connect direct to bt hub - it is the only way to maintain a connection from hub to iphone
home network will not connect to iphones as the bt hub will not accept iphone - all other wifi connections work