Is the device you are running the test from connected to that switch or to the gateway? If connected to the switch it wouldn't go via the gateway, it will try to go direct to the SH2 and fail.
But it reaches another device on the subnet OK. I think it must be something weird with the hub still trying to route packets somehow as it will still be a router at the end of the day rather than an AP.
Could be. If it's connected via the LAN ports it should be just acting as a layer 2 switch.
Speaking of something silly, the OP has not used port 4 in FTTP mode, has he?
@WSH wrote:
Could be. If it's connected via the LAN ports it should be just acting as a layer 2 switch.
Should, but this is BT remember.
Speaking of something silly, the OP has not used port 4 in FTTP mode, has he?
Good call
@licquorice @WSH on the SH2? Port 4 is the WAN is it not? I’m connected via Port 3 anyway over to Port 1 on the Unifi gateway
Port 4 is WAN in FTTP mode, LAN otherwise.
From a PC in the 10.4.2 network, can you ping a wireless device connected to the SH2 on the 192.168.1 network? If ao, that would suggest all switching/routing/firewalls are working and your conjecture that the SH2 is blocking admin connections is correct.
That was confirmed in message 8
Edit. Hmm, or maybe not, if the device was connected to the Unifi rather than the hub.
This was actually something additional I tested last night.
I can ping any device connected via the SH2 in AP mode from a different subnet, just not the SH2 itself (unless I am in the same subnet).
I doubt you will be able to ping the hub, it doesn't respond to pings. You need to try accessing the management page at