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Message 1 of 15

DNS error when connected to work VPN via ethernet

Hope someone can assist as this is really bugging me.


I have Smart Hub 2 and am connected via ethernet network cable to hub

As standard this works perfectly and gives a rock solid connection for working from home

I have to use my workplace VPN to access an internal docs server and if I use the ethernet connection  with any browser I get "This site cant be reached" with a message that the servers IP address cannot be found 

If I type in the IP address of the webpage it works perfectly

If I disconnect the Cat6 cable and use WIFi it works fine too

Got a work colleague to test the same set up (he is on Virgin) and he has no issues so it appears there is a DNS issue when using Ethernet connection over VPN on BT hub (had the problem on my previous HH5 too)

Other than ditch the router and buy a non BT one does anyone have suggested solution please 

Thanks Rob  


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Message 2 of 15

Re: DNS error when connected to work VPN via ethernet


Its possible that the VPN software is using the wrong DNS servers. If possible, try changing the DNS setting on the VPN so it uses Google Public DNS  and

If BT web protect is enabled, that that can cause issues, so try disabling it.

You cannot change the DNS settings on any of the BT home hubs.

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Message 3 of 15

Re: DNS error when connected to work VPN via ethernet

No DNS options on the VPN as just the standard built in windows VPN connected to company portal


Dont have web protect or smart setup enabled either

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Message 4 of 15

Re: DNS error when connected to work VPN via ethernet


Is it possible that you have manually set DNS in the device configuration for the ethernet and/or the wireless adapter that are different and causing the issue.

Message 5 of 15

Re: DNS error when connected to work VPN via ethernet

To start i'll say that i'm not a tech.savy guy.I had/have a problem getting into my bt email website,. ( Error code TS-0003)It appeared to have been sorted out but started up again & to get in i had to pause my VPN.After reading this thread i went into my vpn connection options & changed my protocol from the default Wiregaurd to the previous default open vpn & i had no issue getting into my bt em.

As i said i'm not tech savvy so have no idea if this might help with your problem,just thought i'd put it up anyway.
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Message 6 of 15

Re: DNS error when connected to work VPN via ethernet


No, I have not changed anything in device config at all (Everything is locked down with admin password!)

In fact I got a brand new laptop from work yesterday and we setup VPN connection from scratch and still the same as previous laptop.

My colleague who tested for me has no issues with an identical setup via Virgin and If I unplug the ethernet cable  and use WIFI it works to!

Guess its just an issue with the BT router and the fixed DNS entries

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Message 7 of 15

Re: DNS error when connected to work VPN via ethernet

When you say it works OK with WiFi, do you actually mean WiFi or do you mean 4G mobile data? If it works ok with hub WiFi but not with hub Ethernet, that would point to a problem with your laptop rather than the hub.

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Message 8 of 15

Re: DNS error when connected to work VPN via ethernet

Try temporarily disabling IPv6 on your Ethernet adapter.

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Message 9 of 15

Re: DNS error when connected to work VPN via ethernet

I had a similar issue when I tried using a work VPN. Our IT department said it does seem to be a problem with BT hubs and suggested turning on 'port clamping'.

Go into advanced settings on your hub and select VPN; turn on 'port clamping' and save the settings (I think that's how I did it)

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Message 10 of 15

Re: DNS error when connected to work VPN via ethernet

I would suggest that the company internal firewall program is only allowing DNS if you are at work, and plugged into the their Intranet.

Wireless connections would be treated as public connections, and there would be internal firewall isolation to prevent accidental linking of a public Wi-Fi connection, and the company internal LAN.

I seem to remember a similar issue with BT laptops when I used to work for them, in that you could only use the Ethernet connection while you were connected to BTs Intranet. 

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