Message 11 of 19

Re: Full Fibre 900 with Halo 3

Any time you use your Iphone  to check your speed you are obviously connected via WiFi and as third party speed testers you use  are end to end , WiFi is part of that test ( and WiFi speeds are not guaranteed ).

The BT speed tester shows the speed ONT to Hub , and Hub to device, and is the only speed test that could be used to provide evidence of network problems…..as explained on another of your posts , you share bandwidth, so if you and other members of ‘PON’ are intensely downloading simultaneously ( including running speed tests ) the speed could dip below the minimum guarantee but the odd occurrence is immaterial, it’s would have to be consistently below the guarantee to warrant investigation.

The speed you posted although slightly below the guarantee at over 650Mb is still massively over what your usage requires, so cannot be the reason for your apparent issues.

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Message 12 of 19

Re: Full Fibre 900 with Halo 3

Hi. My records, taken c/o the "My BT" app via my iPhone 12, indicate that the download speed has fallen below BT's minimum stay fast guarantee, almost every other day for the last two months.  BT 's initial solution was to upgrade my package to Halo 3. However and although we live in a one bed bungalow, the issue appeared to get worse. Readings taken c/o "Fast.com" via my iPhone 12, indicate that the internal wi-fi speeds drop by up to 50%, with all three mini discs are attached. I'm simply trying to establish if the issue could be external, but I don't know how I as a customer, can measure the incoming speed to the ONT.

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Message 13 of 19

Re: Full Fibre 900 with Halo 3

This neatly sums up my issue. That and the fact that I get conflicting  advice from BT's visiting engineers, who mostly appear to be sub contracted these days? The only one I have seen who was directly employed by BT, identified an issue with the external overhead cabling and advised that if it persisted, to contact customer support. Having done so, the next engineer, who was a sub contractor, connected his laptop directly to the ONT and as it appeared to indicate a reading of exactly 1gb, he refused to investigate further. 

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Message 14 of 19

Re: Full Fibre 900 with Halo 3

When you're on FTTP the line speeds are fixed - between your ONT and the exchange data is transmitted at (approx) 2.4 Gbps downstream and 1.2 Gbps upstream; between the ONT and your hub, 1 Gbps.  Your throughput end-to-end is dependent on a number of factors, including the package you've subscribed to, congestion on the local optical network (which you share with up to 31 other subscribers), congestion on the wider internet, and (if relevant) congestion and interference on the WiFi network.

Using fast.com of the My BT speed test are measuring the throughput - there is no point is testing line speed as it's fixed (you either have a connection at the specified rate, or you don't have a connection at all).

You mention that your main problem is Netflix dropping out occasinally, and that your BT TV box is connected via an ethernet cable to the Hub.  This means that WiFi cannot be your issue, and the problem must either be congestion or a fault/misconfiguration.  Even if your local optical network is completely maxed out you would still be getting roughly 80 Mbps, which is way more than needed for a 4K Netflix stream, so it seems very unlikely that congestion is the problem (unless it's at the Netflix end).

You mention that your Hub has been replaced - what about the BT TV box?

Message 15 of 19

Re: Full Fibre 900 with Halo 3


The Hub has been replaced but not the BT Box, although this was obviously working without any issues, prior to moving to the bungalow. 

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Message 16 of 19

Re: Full Fibre 900 with Halo 3


How do I interpret this reading?My BT29 - 22 September - 09.56.PNG

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Message 17 of 19

Re: Full Fibre 900 with Halo 3

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Message 18 of 19

Re: Full Fibre 900 with Halo 3


Indeed, it's just given me a speed of 1gig on Fibre 900, with speeds of 1.6 gig sometimes.

I find the Ookla Windows desktop pc app very consistent with speeds around 943 which are realistic.

The My BT app has just shown speeds of 605 down & 112 up with a message that my hub doesn't meet the Stay Fast Guarantee.

But hey, you'd have to be an AI robot to tell the difference.

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Message 19 of 19

Re: Full Fibre 900 with Halo 3

Needless to say that my issue remains ongoing.

However, remote tests have now established a "PPP stall" which I have been told, means that BT's diagnostic tests are providing false positive results. Apparently, this is a known fault which for some inexplicable reason, means that  they are receiving "hereditary", instead of "live" readings.

This was only established because Customer Support, had kindly provided me with the "https://pbtcscsaas.nokia.com" speed test link to my iPhone, which proved that I was receiving differing readings to theirs.

The problem I currently have, is that this link has a very short shelf life of less than 24 hours and it is only accessible, if I go through the laborious process of logging a report a fault, on a daily basis.

Intriguingly, I was able to run the test whilst an Openreach engineer was onsite almost two weeks ago, which showed him that I was receiving drastically differing results to his, with his test equipment plugged into either the ONT or the Hub.

At that stage, although he was advised by a colleague to try upgrading my ONT to the latest 2.5gb model, he declined to do so, because the cost would have to be signed off by his boss.

Personally, I'm not sure if this would resolve the issue, but it would mean one less avenue to explore.

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