Message 1 of 6

How would I set up a VPN client on a router with BT?

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I would like to run a VPN such as NordVPN on a router so it is system wide on my network and not just per device. How would I go about doing this? I only have the router that BT have supplied me with which is a Smart Hub. What router should I buy that can be used simply for this purpose and would that router be compatible with BT? And would I require a separate modem?

Thanks for any help and suggestions. 

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Message 2 of 6

Re: How would I set up a VPN client on a router with BT?

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You can use any modem/router that is compatible with the type of service you have. If you have FTTP, you will only need a router as the ONT is the modem. If you have G.Fast, your options are very limited, probably go with the Asus DSL AC88U as a combined modem/router. For ADSL and VDSL, you have multiple choices of device.

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Message 3 of 6

Re: How would I set up a VPN client on a router with BT?

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All of the tutorials on the internet show that you have to install firmware onto a router before you can use a VPN client. Are there any ADSL routers that work out of the box without having to install any firmware? 

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Message 4 of 6

Re: How would I set up a VPN client on a router with BT?

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No idea about VPNs, I can only advise regarding suitability of routers for your service. There are probably better forums for getting advice on using a VPN on a router. 

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Message 5 of 6

Re: How would I set up a VPN client on a router with BT?

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NordVPN has a useful guide (https://nordvpn.com/blog/setup-vpn-router/) and from there you can also find a list of routers that will be 'easy' to set up (mostly ASUS).

Message 6 of 6

Re: How would I set up a VPN client on a router with BT?

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Hi! Just seen your question and I'm now in the same boat. The BT Smart Hub 2 does NOT support VPN firmware.

The boast that "all BT Smart Hubs are configured to support most VPN clients" is vacuously meaningless and totally redundant. It's just another way of saying that they don't care what VPN client you run on your computer. From what I can make out, if you're looking for LAN wide protection by accessing your VPN provider's tunnel directly from your router, you need to buy a router that allows for the updating of the router firmware to load and run the firmware version of your VPN provider's client. (If that all makes sense...!) The most popular router brands are the from the Asus family. You can (apparently - never done it yet myself) download the Asus firmware that runs the VPN 'router client' directly from the VPN provider's website. You must then configure the settings manually yourself. Note that whenever you want to 'stir the tunnel' - i.e. select a different proxy - you will almost always need to restart the router! The choice you face is ether: (1) Run separate clients on each of the devices accessing your LAN- no router reboot required or (2) Sling your BT Smart Hub 2 and buy an Asus router, configure your NordVPN firmware manually and reboot the router every time you want to switch proxy.

Hope this helps.


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