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Message 1 of 4

I've now got great wifi coverage - but how?

I used to have a Smart Hub (Type A) and a collection of the white discs which came with it. Then I decided to change to Smart Hub 2 and its black disc, but the BT installer told me when he came that the system wouldn’t work in my house because of the thick walls and long distances, and that I should revert to the previous setup.  However, I couldn’t do that because I’d got switched to Digital Voice in the meantime and needed the new hub for my landline to work. I kept the new hub, but also kept the white discs. The installer seemed surprised that they appeared to work with the black disc, and indeed they did, but there were, as before, dropouts and suchlike that called for a boost to the signal.

A BT expert said that the best route would be Powerline adaptors, but these only work up to a point – the furthest rooms of the house are on a different electrical circuit. Next advice was to get a wifi range extender, which I did – a TP-Link RE650 – and it certainly did help the signal in the furthest reaches of the house.

But here’s the thing – all of a sudden the network calling itself ‘BTWholeHome-3HN’ now works so fantastically well that it beats the performance of the various extenders and repeaters by a mile – showing 100% on my signal meter as soon as it locks on the the furthest white disc in the most distant room, and all four discs displaying an ‘excellent connection’ on the WholeHome app for the first time ever.

This is great, of course, but I’d love to know what is going on here. The hub’s network is called BT-WGA**5, and yet the WholeHome name pops up as a choice each time. The Powerline devices and the wifi range extender are set to recognise the BT-WGA network, but are they somehow boosting the WholeHome one – and how can they possibly affect the efficiency of the discs themselves?

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Message 2 of 4

Re: I've now got great wifi coverage - but how?

The idea of the white discs is that you disable the hub wi-fi signal and relay on the discs, one of which is connected to the hub via an ethernet connection that way as you wonder around your home your devices will connect to the strongest signal.

You can have a black disc as well if you like but it's a bit pointless if you have turned the hub wi-fi off as it won't be doing anything.

I suspect that either something has changed in your house or maybe a software update has been pushed to your disc system and improved it's efficiency

Message 3 of 4

Re: I've now got great wifi coverage - but how?

Ah - thanks!  I hadn't realised until I read your reply that (in all probability) wifi is indeed switched off on the router, and I should have connected my third-party kit to their network instead of that of the router. That probably explains why the results from the Powerline adaptors was minimal (if, indeed, they made any difference at all)*, and it looks very much as though they'll be going back to Amazon.

Regarding the wifi extender: although it's purportedly picking up the router's network, I'm going to leave well alone for the time being as it appears that there's some alchemy at work in which it is boosting whatever signals it's picking up. 

*(Later) Nope; coverage worsened after I disconnected them.

Thanks again!

Message 4 of 4

Re: I've now got great wifi coverage - but how?

my hub2 is in the front room, the house is stone so wifi has always been iffy ,i bought 2 white discs to extend it but in the instructions it said that 1 disc goes near the hub ,than means i am replacing my hub signal with a disc that's not what i wanted , i already had some homeplugs ( powerline ) one in the other room and one in the bedroom so i plugged the first disc into the one in the other room via the ethernet and the 2nd disc in a different bedroom . i now have wifi everywhere including at the far end of the garden . i also changed the hub  wep key to the same as the discs . my neighbour is quite miffed as he has a poor signal in his garden  lol    

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