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Message 1 of 7

Is it possible I can’t get internet?

Hi all, I’ve posted before but have a new question.

I ordered broadband at the end of June with an activation date of July 11.

Since then there has been a series of problems including routing errors, cable work. I don’t have internet still.

However what really concerns me is that yesterday I got a text from BT saying that there was a new problem. Openreach are now saying that there is an outstanding open order on my line placed the day after I first ordered internet with BT.

I didn’t place this order obviously so I called BT and the person I spoke to suggested that this might mean I can’t get internet *at all* via Openreach with any provider. He said a specialist team would call me back between 9-11am today but they didn’t call. 

Meantime I’m really worried now that this ghost order which I didn’t place and have no way therefore of cancelling will mean I can’t get internet at all. This seems so unfair - how can an order I didn’t place mean that my house, which previously had internet before I lived here, just can’t get internet at all? Surely there must be a way BT or Openreach can overcome this?

as I said in an earlier post, before I placed an order with BT, I had tried to do a home move with another provider. However this was obviously not the day after I placed my order with BT (it was days and days before) and I called to confirm that that order was fully cancelled and not open weeks ago.

please can anyone advise? I am really worried and the specialist team not calling me back when they said they would call has made me concerned that I’m going to be abandoned by BT/Openreach with an unsolvable problem that means no ISP can get internet to my house (which previously had internet!!!)

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Is it possible I can’t get internet?

The forum odd had offered to help you and you were in there queue.  What has happened since? Have mods been in contact?

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Is it possible I can’t get internet?

The mods did get in touch and said that the specialist team had cancelled the order and replaced it so the issue should be solved once that order goes through.

But since then that initial order was rejected by Openreach as was a second order the team placed.

The news from BT about the ‘ghost’ open outstanding order placed by someone else came yesterday evening. The team were due to call me back this morning but did not. 

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Is it possible I can’t get internet?

Are you able to contact the mods as this is just a continuation of your previous and I think mods are your best hope of getting this solved

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Is it possible I can’t get internet?


Thanks for such a quick reply. I had messaged the mods again on 16th and today so I will wait for them to reply there.

I just wondered if maybe anyone here knew if the thing about no internet sounded plausible as that was what really worried me.


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Message 6 of 7

Re: Is it possible I can’t get internet?

No reply from the mods (messaged them back on 16th) and I called BT today and they still don’t know what to do.


Placed my order late June and still no internet and no solution.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Is it possible I can’t get internet?

I have notified the moderators about your posts per chance they did not get your message.