I’ve had my fibre in for a couple of weeks now, and I’m really impressed with the speed, pulling in 150 mb across the house. The smart tv, iPad and phones all enjoying the fast speed.
Thats except the work laptop, a Lenovo, where it gets less than 8mb download, yet a 25+mb upload. I’ve checked and updated the laptop drivers, restarted the hub and restarted the laptop, but to no avail.
Any ideas what else I can do? Thanks in advance.
Just to add to the above - I've used a different laptop (HP this time), and similar results 8 down/25 up.
The ipad says 135 down, 28 up, and my phone 17 down, 28 up, so thoroughly confused!
You are using the BT supplied Smart Hub? If so try
changing the Wi-Fi mode to 2
restart the hub
see if that helps
then try switching off the 5g signal on the hub
restart etc
Hi - thanks so much for your suggestions - I've followed each in turn, and unfortunately it's resulted in a slight downturn in performance.
Any other suggestions please?
When you say "work laptop", I presume you are talking about a company supplied machine which uses a proprietary image? if so then you would probably be better off asking your IT people
Yes, it was a work laptop, the IT guys there dialled in to see if there was anything amiss there (there wasn't). I think the interesting point is that my personal laptop had exactly the same issue.
Presumably you are using a wireless connection on both your works laptop and your own laptop.
Are you able to carry out a wired speed test on either or both of the laptops in order to see if its a wireless problem with the laptops.
Have you tried a factory reset of the Smarthub by pressing a pin into the recess button on the rear for about 20 seconds? This is different from a restart.
So - all devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi SSID?
Assuming that the smart TV is situated closer to the router than the laptops, it may be Wi-Fi congestion, have you tried changing the Wi-Fi channels from here Wireless
try hardwire speed test on Fast.com ... DNS flush on your laptops .