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Message 1 of 4

Mixing Complete wifi discs with whole home wifi discs

Good morning,

I am technically challenged so please be gentle with me.

I have a BT SH2 and 3 complete wifi discs around the house, due to internal block walls.  They provide sufficient cover in the house.

I have a shed in the garden on to which I fitted a CCTV camera to observe the back of the house.  The camera is not connecting to the hub or any of the discs so I cannot monitor it.

I rearranged (on a temporary basis) the black discs, placing one in the shed and the camera worked.

I have a couple of questions;

  1. If I bought another complete wifi black disc from an online market place (trying to do it on a budget) will it easily integrate into the current system?
  2. If I bought a set of 3 white whole home wifi discs from an online market place will they integrate into the current system?
  3. As 2 above but if I hard wire 1 of them into the hub and daisy chain them to the shed will they work independently from the complete disc setup and give me the connection to the camera that I need?

Thank you for your time and knowledge.

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Mixing Complete wifi discs with whole home wifi discs

I'd try option 1 first 🙂

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Mixing Complete wifi discs with whole home wifi discs

Thank you Steve,

I'm negotiating buying a disc but the seller does not know if it is a complete or whole home disc.
Are the complete discs always black and the whole home, white?
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Message 4 of 4

Re: Mixing Complete wifi discs with whole home wifi discs

Yes correct 🙂