Message 1 of 37

Moving smart hub.

Hello everyone, just a question I've got in regards to my FTTP 900mb broadband.. an engineer visited my house and moved my hub from downstairs, that was right next to the ONT..  connected ONT to one of the ethernet ports next to it, and then relocating the hub upstairs using the ethernet port connected to downstairs...


Now... since then, all my devices only recieve 92mb download speeds, exactly 92, across 3 hard wired devices.. on my settings, advanced > the downstream and upstream says 100mb.. instead of 1000 or 900 that I'm expecting..


Any ideas? Wanting to see if there's something I can do before reporting it..



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Message 2 of 37

Re: Moving smart hub.

Sounds like your internal wiring is cat5 not cat5e.

You can just move the smarthub back if it worked OK before.

Message 3 of 37

Re: Moving smart hub.

The Ethernet cable from the ONT to the hub, is probably only capable of 100mbs. It needs to be CAT5E or CAT6, which are fully wired with all pairs in use.

Who fitted the Ethernet cable?

Message 4 of 37

Re: Moving smart hub.

Before reporting what and reporting to whom ? ,
if your own wiring is defective that’s not really a problem that concerns BT or Openreach, it’s easily proven, just move the router back to its original position, if that restores the previous speed , then its the cable or Ethernet outlets are defective , 100Mb is an old standard , it could be that whoever provided the Ethernet network, ( usually the developer in new build property ) , has not terminated the sockets correctly, or the wrong type of cable was  used , resulting in 100Mb and not 1Gb speeds over that connection…but that’s an issue between you and whoever supplied the Ethernet connectivity, and nothing to do with BT or OR .

If an OR tech moved the router to use this Ethernet connection, they obviously wouldn’t know of this defect but more intriguingly, why was an OR tech visiting in the first place ? 

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Message 5 of 37

Re: Moving smart hub.

First check the patch cables between the ONT & ethernet port & the port upstairs to the Hub. As above, the cable sleeving should say Cat5e or above.

If they are, then replace them one at a time & test.If still no joy then your internal wiring is faulty or below spec.

Message 6 of 37

Re: Moving smart hub.

He was there because of poor broadband speeds.. after he switched it, it actually did achieve 900mb for the first day. Then for some reason, it plummeted.. cat5e from ONT to wall.. and cat6 from wall to hub.. if BT or OR can't help, I'll contact a private engineer I guess.. the house is council, so I dount they will help.. but I'm determined to fix it.. as everything is hardwired to the box upstairs now.

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Message 7 of 37

Re: Moving smart hub.

I'll double check, but I'm pretty sure it's 5e from ONT to wall.. what's weird is, it did actually produce 900mb for the first day after the switch.

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Message 8 of 37

Re: Moving smart hub.

Ahhh.. ill have to get that changed then.. any ideas how much something like that costs? If it did turn out to be that

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Message 9 of 37

Re: Moving smart hub.

Have you rebooted the router/ONT?  Sometimes the autonegotiation gets confused, especially if you have a device with a 100Mb card connected somewhere.  Turn them both off.  Turn the ONT on and let it come up, then turn the router back on.

For example, if I reset my router with just the old BT TV 2100 box connected the uplink on my switch sets to 100Mb/s and quite happily stays there until I reset it, irrespective of the computer being 1Gb

Message 10 of 37

Re: Moving smart hub.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try that after work..
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