Message 11 of 22

Re: Need some help

If you have set a static IP address on the Pi itself, the hub can't override it, end of. The Pi address will remain constant.

I'm not familiar with either the Sega or the software you are running but I suspect this creates a pseudo device which the hub is allocating the IP to.

I still don't understand why it is so important to have particular IP addresses if you are not forwarding any ports

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Message 12 of 22

Re: Need some help

alls i need is to reserve the ip address


how can i do that?

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Message 13 of 22

Re: Need some help

By letting the hub allocate the address and then select  'always use this address' . However, you cannot determine what address the hub will allocate.

For the third time of asking, why is important to use a particular address? You seem reluctant to answer this simple question.

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Message 14 of 22

Re: Need some help

"For the third time of asking, why is important to use a particular address? You seem reluctant to answer this simple question."


Because is the internal ip for the segas modem and cannot be changed it also causes connection issues if it is assigned to the raspberry pi which i have mentioned previously in this thread.


I'm trying to find a practical solution to the issue, not snarky comments.


"By letting the hub allocate the address and then select 'always use this address' . However, you cannot determine what address the hub will allocate."


It wont work because thats still tying the ip address to the device, which wont work because it will issue that ip address to the pi causing it not to work.


So any alternative solutions? Because I'm finding the hub is pretty restricted in its functionality especially when some of the answers i had off bt is become a business customer.


and when i had a previous isp before i moved house thier hub did allow me to filter/reserve via ip addresses not devices


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Message 15 of 22

Re: Need some help

Also it doesnt change the fact that the smart hub its automatically switching ip addresses on its own.


because its swapped out the manually typed in address i placed in the DMZ with random devices thats connected to the hub


so is my hub faulty or is there a faulty firmware because this needs to be address asap if its going to place devices at risk randomly.


because that seems to be the more concerning issue atm.

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Message 16 of 22

Re: Need some help

If you need to reserve and .99, then maybe the best thing to do is modify the hub's DHCP range so that it can never hand out those addresses.  You can do this in 'Advanced Settings'->'MyNetwork'->'IPv4 Configuration' - there's a 'Server address range' option which you could set to ' -', then the hub will never try to issue any address below

This reduces the pool of available DHCP addresses (the default range start at .64), but as long as you have fewer than 154 devices you should be fine.

(I don't understand why you can't assign the Pi and Dreamcast IP addresses that are below the default range, but the above should work anyway.)

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Message 17 of 22

Re: Need some help

That won't work at all. Any address requiring reservation has to be in the DHCP range. The address has to be issued by DHCP first and then reserved. You would need to do the opposite, I e DHCP only hands out the required address.

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Message 18 of 22

Re: Need some help

@licquoricenot sure I understand?  I'm suggesting @SmugeeBear configures his Pi with a static address outwith the DHCP range of the hub - then the hub wil never issue an IP address that can clash.

I do this with a NAS box that I want to have on a static IP - in my case I have it set to

In the OP's case they are insisting that they need the Pi/Dreamcast to have .98/.99, so changing the DHCP range should work, unless I'm misunderstanding (entirely possible as the thread is a bit confusing).

Message 19 of 22

Re: Need some help

That's what I suggested in message 2 of the thread. I thought you were talking about address reservation on the hub rather than giving the devices a static address.

I'm really not sure why if the OP hasn't given the devices static addresses and doesn't require port forwarding the addresses need to be specific. He doesn't seem to wish to answer this simple question and calls me sarky for asking.

I'm totally confused by what he is trying to do.

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Message 20 of 22

Re: Need some help

Because you keep on mentioning port forwarding, and i'd said several times it might work for some things regarding it but it wont hence placing into the DMZ.

Also i have tried changing the DHCP range on the hug that was the first thing i tried. didnt work because the hub will keep force assigning ip's even when on the DHCP toggle for use this ip address is unchecked.

again ip address is static, the ip address for the pi's wlan port i've tried to make static but the best i can do is try and force it to use the ip address mentioned.

for the hundreth time the smart hub 2 keep swapping ip addresses for different devices on the network whether its phones, fire tv boxes etc. it keeps replacing the the manually entered ip address i've placed in the DMZ with the ip addresses of other devices and will swap ip addresses with different devices listed

the majority of these devices should have thier ip addresses reserved as the option us this ip address is turned on for them.

port forwarding isnt going to fix that issue as there obviously seems to be an issue with the smart hub 2 either its firmware or not.


because like i've mentioned previously this is becoming a bigger issue than the original issue this thread was originally created for

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