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Message 1 of 3

Number of Devices on Fibre1 and Sky TV stuff

Hi All,


I moved from BT Fibre Halo 3 (which was FTTC) to Sky Broadband in the hope it would help with my Sky Q and Mini box connectivity challenges. It hasnt and our WiFi/Broadband has now had connection and performance issues I never had with BT Halo 3 and a Sky+ box. 

I am considering moving back to BT but they are only offering Fibre 1 for my address which seems lower speeds than I got before and even now with Sky.

Sky support say I have too many devices connected to their router which is why I have issues but to me 14 devices in a house with 4 adults is not that many. I have a Sky Q, Mini Box, Booster, phones, 2 xBoxes, 2 laptops and a smart TV.

In peoples experience is 14 devices on FTTC too many?  

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Number of Devices on Fibre1 and Sky TV stuff

The problem is usually Sky Q, but if you make some tweaks it normally works fine and I have used Q with both Sky and BT broadband without issue.

The Sky Q WiFi mesh is terrible and often conflicts with routers such as BT, because it is broadcasting its own 5ghz mesh network which the mini boxes should connect to. When you have Sky broadband, all of the Q boxes act as WiFi hotspots, but only at 2.4ghz and usually at speeds under 3Mbps.

You may find easier to understand instructions in Skys Q forum, but the simple starting point is to actually turn off the Q WiFi completely, use Ethernet to connect the main Q box to your router and powerline adapters to connect the mini boxes, again turning WiFi off on each box.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Number of Devices on Fibre1 and Sky TV stuff

as sky q uses channel 36 just make sure your router 5ghz is set to a channel other than 36.  I have no problems with sky q

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