Message 1 of 5

Poor Wifi connectivity

A friend lives in a 110 year old house with very thick brick internal walls.  She gets good Wi-Fi connectivity in the same room as hub but in all other rooms the connectivity is quite poor.

Iam looking for suggestions to improve connectivity apart from powerline adaptors (old electrical wiring so very poor throughput)

Thanks in advance guys!


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Message 2 of 5

Re: Poor Wifi connectivity

Just a thought.  Could you rig a mesh system where the units can “see” each other through the doorways?

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Poor Wifi connectivity

Possibly yes

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Poor Wifi connectivity

@WSH has it right, even the best Powerline conditions will not outperform a well placed MESH, I have tested both, I have a 30's house with more wall than space in it and WIFI was always a problem, barely makes it to the next room.

Strategically placed MESH points gave me best case 500Mbps and at the furthers hopes 150Mbps speed, more than enough.

If you have thick concrete walls you will likely have lath and plaster ceilings, these are not as resistant to WIFI, so I found passing WIFI through floors to the MESH points was a good way also.

Eventually I ran ethernet to every room, which took forever but was worth it, hook an AP to each drop.

But MESH will do a good job if you get it right.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 5 of 5

Re: Poor Wifi connectivity

As others have said, a mesh system can do the trick if there are reasonable lines of sight between the units.

I am in a Glasgow tenement flat that's about 120 years old with solid brick internal walls.  My BT SH2 sits in a cupboard at the internal corner of a roughly L-shaped hall.  I then have two BT black disks at each end of the L - one around 7m from the hub, the other about 12m.  This setup gives good WiFi throughout the flat (although I have also run Cat6 to most rooms - the WiFi is only used for mobile devices).


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