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Message 11 of 29

Re: Radiation with all wifi off? WHY???

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Ok, thank you everyone for demystifying what is going on.  Appreciate it. 

I'll either get a non-dect router/modem or wait for fibre roll out which is planned here. Thank you.

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Message 12 of 29

Re: Radiation with all wifi off? WHY???

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Hiya you can go in to the settings via the web page to turn the wifi antena completly off by going to and configuring it that way. I have a trifield meter and found the Hub singing along for a week until i found the way to do it. you turn off the wireless then goto advanced settings and goto wireless disable. itl give you a warning that some things connected to the router might not work anymore, but thats the point hey? All the best.

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Message 13 of 29

Re: Radiation with all wifi off? WHY???

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That does not disable DECT.

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Message 14 of 29

Re: Radiation with all wifi off? WHY???

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It also does not disable the TV, radio, mobile phone, microwave, baby alarms, fluorescent lights, radar, next door’s wifi etc. coming through your walls or the weak em field given off by all electronics, for that matter.

Message 15 of 29

Re: Radiation with all wifi off? WHY???

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That is totally true, for example your stereo or sound bar give off lots of emf from the speakers as dose your monitor locally, as dose anything with a poorly shielded power supply, shielding with chokes or ferrite beads "Help" on a power supply or where power is going to or from but will have draw backs.... 

As the EMF radiation drops off greatly with distance and frequency in Air its always a good idea to limit ones exposure, Biology on Earth did not evolve with this Digital EMF and will make you sick and ill. Read the "Invisible Rainbow" for a neat history.

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Message 16 of 29

Re: Radiation with all wifi off? WHY???

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I have worked 40 years near the sort of EMF fields that would make the OP wince and have never suffered any ill effects, and more than that, real ionising radiation from a couple of 1.7GW reactors (which are approx 100M away from where I am sitting). There are billions of neutrino's streaming through me from these reactors right now.

Stress from worry is a bigger risk factor.

Message 17 of 29

Re: Radiation with all wifi off? WHY???

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That's the point isn't it? I have friends like the OP  who have a paranoia about radiation of this type. No matter if you can stop it on your appliances ( or indeed not entertain any of it), all sorts of radiation from those sources mentioned are penetrating the walls of your residence unless you have some sort of Faraday Cage in which you can live. 


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Message 18 of 29

Re: Radiation with all wifi off? WHY???

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Well, I don’t sleep with my head next to the Smart Hub 2, just as I don’t stare into the microwave while it is running but I also don't worry about it being in the next room.  You do have to keep these things in perspective.

As someone with a pure science background, I object to numpties quoting, so called, science at me, which is why I bit on this thread originally.  Most of the public have even less of an understanding of basic science then they do IT, and that's saying something.  In answer to your point, “biology on earth did not evolve with this…”, oh yes it did.  There are em bursts from lightning.  Have you also never heard of cosmic radiation?  Not to mention background radiation from radioactive minerals.  Both a lot higher energy and more damaging than em radiation but we evolved to cope with them.    If you really want to worry about something, I suggest you try radon levels, as modern insulation and draught proofing has shoved those up far higher than they used to be.

No offence intended to anyone in particular, but I always remember the unofficial Sky forum called "SkyUser".  The moderator on there went by the handle "Scoobie".  She always had a tag line "Never argue with an idiot as they'll drag you down to their level and then defeat you with experience".   Very true.  Consquently, this is my final post on the matter.

Oh, and I forgot ultraviolet light...again far higher energy than radio but we're still here.

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Message 19 of 29

Re: Radiation with all wifi off? WHY???

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Wow that was a long one, you cant win with Vaxers...
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Message 20 of 29

Re: Radiation with all wifi off? WHY???

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To satisfy the OP's concerns, is it not possible to buy a router that does not have any WiFi capability built in to it?

I'm thinking that such a device might be more aimed at business rather than domestic - and possibly in a 19" rack mount format?

When I worked at BT, I was involved with installing some of the network transmission equipment at TV transmitter sites. ISTR that included a router, (without WiFi), for remote monitoring of all the BT kit at each site.



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