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Message 21 of 29

Re: Router compromised?

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These are the rest. On reflection, not that many now running.







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Message 22 of 29

Re: Router compromised?

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@Wingreen wrote:

These are the rest. On reflection, not that many now running.

Is it running any better?

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Message 23 of 29

Re: Router compromised?

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Hmmmm. Maybe......a bit, but not much. It seems to be the upload  that is slow - download speed seems good. Ah well, in the scheme of things its no big deal. If there was a fix, then it was worth trying but, as it seems to be more difficult to sort out than I hoped, I think I will have to live with it. All the help I've had on here is much appreciated though.

.......Actually, just tested a few times with (where, in the past, it was showing very slow upload speeds) and it is now reporting MUCH better upload speeds - along the lines of the  promised by BT.....Eureka?!

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Message 24 of 29

Re: Router compromised?

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Did you actually disable any processes and if so which ones?

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Message 25 of 29

Re: Router compromised?

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I did disable quite a few but, sorry, I cant remember which ones. Some were to do with "updates" (For Adobe, Epson Printer and other programmes). Generally I got rid of anything related to programmes that I dont use often. I'm afraid I cant help much more than that.

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Message 26 of 29

Re: Router compromised?

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OK thanks for that.

If the process were mainly just checking for updates it is unlikely that that would have been causing an big issue as they generally only run once a day or even less than that and are dormant after they have run.

Just for future reference, when installing any programs it is always worth checking during the install process by clicking on the "Custom" install, what exactly is being installed and whether or not there is an option to turn off starting when your computer starts.

Likewise with web browser addons. They can often be added when you install programs using the "recommended" install process so its worth checking exactly what is being installed.

Antivirus Programs tend to install web browsers which may not always be wanted or required or a duplication of what the web browser already offers. 

Hopefully what ever was causing your issue has been resolved.

Message 27 of 29

Re: Router compromised?

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Many thanks for all your (and others help). Not sure what made a difference but upload speeds definitely improved. Will take on board your advice.

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Message 28 of 29

Re: Router compromised?

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I had a phone call just this Morning from a woman with an Indian accent (clue number 1) claiming to be calling on behalf of "BT Openreach" (clue number 2) telling me they noticed that my router was sending invalid packets and that these invalid packets had damaged it, but never fear, they could repair it for me. (clue number 3).
Well thank goodness they spotted the problem and kindly rang to tell me about it.

I slipped up though, I asked her for more details on these invalid packets and mentioned that I could see nothing wrong in the event log and the phone went dead. I wonder how long I could have strung her along for if only I'd not said that

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Message 29 of 29

Re: Router compromised?

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Finally got an OpenReach engineer here who knew what he was doing and he identified the fault as being a bad connection on the (Openreach side) wiring to the house. Sorted!
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