VLAN, not applicable to FTTP, only FTTC.
Thanks! That's great, appreciate your help.
It's a modem function, not a router function. Hence only required on combined VDSL modem/routers.
Hi, I have just bought a 3rd party router and it won't connect to the Internet. I can connect to the router via my phone but when I try and access the router settings(I was expecting to have to enter bthomehub@btbroadband in the PPPoE settings) but as its not connected to the Internet I can't access the settings.
Is there something I need to do on the BT router settings first?
Just wondering if there's something basic I'm missing.
Thanks for your consideration.
Unless I'm missing something, you didn't actually say you had fttp @Keith_Beddoe seems to have just assumed you do
Do you in fact have fttp rather than fttc and which router have you bought and how have you connected it,?
Just re-read your post. You don't need to be connected to your broadband to be able to access the router settings.
Yes, I have FFTP. I have bought the Netgear Nighthawk XR1000. I've connected it to the Openreach ONT.
I was struggling getting to the settings until I saw your message, then I realised the mobile version didn't allow to change the router settings so I clicked on desktop version and managed to enter the PPPoE info and the red light turned to white on the router so it seems to be getting Internet signal now but I still can't connect to the Internet on my phone.
The Web page is really buggy and only shows part of the page and I'm unable to scroll across. I'm going to try and have a look at it on my friends laptop tomorrow. Here's what I'm currently seeing in the attached image.
All looks ok on screenshot.
I just can't get it to work, there's a led light suggesting there's an Internet connection but on the setup wizard it says it can't detect any bandwidth. I spoke to a local PC repair shop who said he believes BT would have to do something at their end and that to allow the router to work. I spoke to someone at BT yesterday who said they can't do anything and don't advice use of 3rd party routers.
The PC guy said in his experience some days you'll find someone at BT that will help and sometimes not, it's pot luck.
I'm not asking you guys to help me as you've already really helped, just thought I'd update the post. I'll try down the BT avenue, thanks again.
The PC guy is talking absolute tosh and should be ashamed to call himself a PC technician. He clearly knows nothing.
Countless people use third party routers with no problems whatsoever, BT do not have to make any changes to allow third party routers.
I suggest you factory reset the router and set it up again.