We have been unable to access some websites via our home broadband. At the moment Argos.co.uk, joules.com and next.co.uk all three return similar issues. All our devices (laptop, phone, tablet) return the same problem when accessing the internet through our BT homehub5. If we switch to 4G on our phones the websites are available. This makes me think it's the router.
The websites return these errors,
You don't have permission to access "http://www.argos.co.uk/" on this server.
Reference #18.bfa71002.1711215586.1e14f5d1
You don't have permission to access "http://www.joules.com/" on this server.
Reference #18.46b01cb8.1711216197.113af6f4
ou don't have permission to access "http://www.next.co.uk/" on this server.
Reference #18.6eb01cb8.1711216341.36f21ae8
The errors.edgesuite doesn't give any clue either.
Any help greatly received.
Check MYBT and if web protect activated then turn it off
Hello, thank you for your reply. I have turned off web protect 24 hours before posting the question as I saw this had helped other people. The websites are still blocked.
We are still getting blocked from certain websites when connected through braodband. Has anyone got any ideas?
I spoke with BT and they also suggested turning off web protect. This has been off for over a week now.
It should have an https prefix not http, as its a secure website. That sounds like you have an issue with your web browser.
Hello Keith,
Thank you for your reply.
I checked this. The text on the page shows http://www.argos.co.uk/ but when I check in the address bar the address is https://www.argos.co.uk/.
I have tried using chrome and edge, but get the same result.
We get the same error on our mobile phones. I'm stumped.
Does it still happen if you use mobile data on your phone instead of the wireless from your BT Home Hub?
I assume you are using a bookmark. Try searching for Argos on Google, then using that link instead.