When installing Whole Home WiFi disc's do I put the wireless details that are on the back of the disc's into the Smart Hub 2
No, the whole home discs form an independent mesh to the hub and it is usual to switch off the WiFi on the router.
Thanks for your reply. Also can you tell me if someone in the house connected to ethernet via their disc would that cause a problem with the wifi setup?
The Ethernet socket on the first disc is connected to the hub, the Ethernet sockets on subsequent discs can be connected to your devices.
I have just had an after thought regarding existing Network name and password that is on my BT hub 2. I haven't set up the Disc's yet and already everyone is moaning about having to change all their devices which are quite a few.
When I setup each disc can I at that time ignore what is on the back of the disc and just put in our existing Network name and password that we are using at the moment which would save a lot of hassle. If that works then I will then turn off the HUB2 wifi to OFF.