Message 11 of 12

Re: WiFi Extension

Thank you for assistance with the Powerline  Adaptor option., and all the other suggestions. RE Power line connection: The outhouse is on a different circuit to where the main router is located being in part of the house is where the fibre comes in. However I have 3 minidiscs, 2 of which operate in another area of the house where there is a separate circuit which is  connected to the outhouse. Is it possible to use powerrline adaptors connected to the minidiscs?  Would the WPS button work between my TV in the outhouse and the minidisc?    

Is the following path possible?

1. Router >(WiFi) > Mini Disc ->(Ethernet) > Powerline Adaptor (plugged into socket in house  - This socket fuse is next to the outhouse fuse in the consumer unit) > Pass along 50 metres of domestic cable underground to outhouse - Powerline in Socket in Outhouse > Ethernet connection to WiFi minidisc. TV, Alexa, etc in close proximity and able to pick up Signal using original password from the original router. Again would you use the WPS button on one of the minidiscs or back at the origin router.?

This is all the thinking of a completely untechnical person who wants to watch Netflix in his cabin in the garden without a separate Internet account? If anybody can help me, I would be very grateful.

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Message 12 of 12

Re: WiFi Extension

If the outhouse is being fed through the same consumer unit albeit it is on a separate circuit/ring main, it should work as all the circuits/rings going through that consumer unit are being fed from the same electrical circuit. 

It would be a problem however if the power from the house consumer unit is going directly to a consumer unit in the outhouse then a circuit/ring main feeding the electrical outlets are fed from that.

I have my doubts that the mini disc to powerline would work however why not get a set from Amazon/ PC World and if they don't work you can always take them back. 

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