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Message 1 of 3

Wifi Connection doesn't reach my bedroom

My family has had fibre for roughly 3 odd months now, I've been using the old wifi due to not being able to connect to the new one. but I really want the benefits of 300mbps speeds as appose to 30 I have now. My parents got the wifi put in the dining room, which is in the bottom corner of the house, its by the wall so its really in the bottom corner. My bedroom is top corner on the other side, my house isn't that big, average if you will. I get 200+mbps in the bedroom next to mine, which is in the middle top of the house. I go past one wall and the connection completely drops. I don't think ethernet/access point is an option as I have no idea where the cable would run + my parents would have the final choice. I've tried wireless extenders but they only get 30mbps max, even 30cm away from the router, being a complete waste of money. Any way of getting that connection to my computer would be sweet. I haven't tried the ee extenders yet if those are a good device to try for £10 pm. many thanks.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Wifi Connection doesn't reach my bedroom

Have a look at powerline adapters.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Wifi Connection doesn't reach my bedroom


The EE Extenders you mentioned are they the same type of device that @licquorice  has mentioned in that they take the internet connection over the mains electric circuit? If so get a set for £10 & give them a go.

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