A week ago I installed 3 wifi discs. All was looking good with the exception that the wifi signal is still poor when I test it. This morning when I came down all three discs had red lights. Nothing had changed overnight, unless the cat has developed any wifi talents. It look a lot of persuasion to get it to connect again. Now all back and running but concerned over the reason for the sudden drop out. Any ideas to the cause?
Which disks, the white BT Whole Home ones, or the black BT loaned Complete WIFI ones?
It's the black set of discs.
There was a recent software update to the Smart Hub 2 which may have caused the problem.
I am surprised that BT loaned you three discs together, as they normally only send out one at a time.
Oh they did only send 1 out at a time. I'm still having difficulty getting a strong wifi signal. Very disappointing to still have threir app still telling me I have poor wifi