Message 1 of 3

Wifi in the garage

Apologies if a stupid question. Completely ignorant with this stuff. We’re converting our garage into an office space. Unfortunately the home wifi doesn’t reach out there. Could I just get some of the wifi discs that BT sell on the store and expect results or is it more complex than that? 

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Wifi in the garage


The best way is to run an Ethernet cable from a home hub port, to the garage. Then add a wireless access point to the garage end.

The other option would be to use a pair of powerline adapters which have wireless built in, that would save running a cable.

Like https://www.tp-link.com/uk/home-networking/powerline/tl-wpa4220-kit/

About £40.

The BT disks are unlikely to help with your problem.


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Message 3 of 3

Re: Wifi in the garage

Buy a Powerline Adaptor and connect one to your router and the other to a power outlet which is connected to the main circuit and you should be good to know.

Note the speed and performance of your fibre in your garage will depend on the existing age of the electrical wiring. Don't plug the extender into a spur as you will notice a drop in speed.

I work from my garage with a Powerline adaptor. I probably get about 80MB DOWN n the garage with 25 UP. That is comparison to our 150MB Download BT package. BT Guarantee 100MB so I am happy with the slight difference.
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