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Message 1 of 4

urgent help disabled lifeline panic alarm not working

i tried pasting my email to CEO i can send it to u of evertthing but this is an emergency now.

im being refused service because ive complained and to go to ombudsman.they have told me to request help and to look ob your syatem that i need a solid working internet for my life line and panic alarm to the police im disabled and vulnerable.  nets been down again so i cant sleep and bavent for days.


yes u tell me were in deadlock but just becsuse i complained about disability notes going missing u cant refuse services and put me in danger like this.  its not just wifi relates 3 enhineers have found faults.  everything u dont know about is hardwired.

u sent away a open reach yesterday as 24 emergency when they found a fault and say im lying i use wifi and because i went to subsidised package thst needs a disc or wifi signal will drop so my fault.  how can u sell this knowing this?

ever since put on thia my ethernet connections drop and have trouble streaming and cant game online or download reliably.


this is an emergency please do the right thing and help me..

alot is on twitter Dazzymans and pictures.


j am at wits end panicking as abused for 38yrs and further next time have heart attack will now die cant ring abulance with lifeline as nets always down or use panic alarm so had it if abusers come back.


i just want to sleep





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Message 2 of 4

Re: urgent help disabled lifeline panic alarm not working

Hi @Dazzyman, welcome to the forum. I'm sorry that you've been left without service and can understand your concern and panic.

I'm sure that they team are still working to get you back in service even if you're case has been deadlocked. I've sent you a Private Message so you can get in touch with the Mod team and we'll be happy to help.



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Message 3 of 4

Re: urgent help disabled lifeline panic alarm not working

they wont help.  i had fall last night lifeline wouldnt work with net being down so button wouldnt work there for hours so terrified as very dangerous to not have lifine and police alarm working cant sleep or eat properly.

any help very much appreciated

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Message 4 of 4

Re: urgent help disabled lifeline panic alarm not working

still havent heard anything been sent a email demand saying someone tried to ring which is a lie so im stuck in limbo with ni help faulty broadband etc...
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