5th UFC event in a row where the playback continually fails on replay mode, it makes you wonder what service you are paying for and whether your money is better spent with ESPN+ or UFC fight pass.
Can someone please explain the nature of the issue and what improvements are being made to ensure that your customers money is not being wasted?
@DarrenDev the exact same thing is happening again on UFC 287 which was shown live last night. can you confirm it will be fixed asap?
Yep sharing the same issue, its a joke they charge for this. BT are actually forcing people in the UK to search "elsewhere" Trash app.. trash company.. this is a issue every event.. 😑
Yep! Exactly the same problem! Yet another day dodging social media so as to not hear the results... ridiculous
Yep, same here. Repeat of UFC 285! They also completely missed off the chito v sandhagen fight on the app as well. Absolute joke. Only reason I stay with BT is for the UFC. Internet is sh*te and so is the rest of the sports options. Time to look elsewhere
I also rang the customer service department... spoke to a lady from Newcastle who transferred me to the 'appropriate department' which was actually a voicemail that said 'opening hours are Monday to Saturday'... triffic!
Exactly! Literally the ONLY reason is the ufc.. if they can't get this right then 100MBs with gigaclear seems awfully tempting..
Im a ex employee of the BT group so that doesnt suprise in anyway i think truely think the companys days are numbered, i will be cancelling my sub as it appears to be cheaper for me to get a VPN and buy ESPN+. The last 5 events have been **bleep** and digging through the support pages this isnt a new thing. They are just a incompetent company.
Yep having the same issue. Tried to play it through the BT Sport App on a PS5, an Xbox and through a Samsung TV and it either doesn't load or crashes after 5 seconds. Everything else on the app is working fine without an issue. Of course this happens on one of the biggest cards of the year.