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Message 1 of 19

BT Sport/TNT Sport Annual Plan?


Just a quick query regarding BT Sport - when it becomes TNT Sport which will be very soon will they have an annual payment plan like other services where you pay just one upfront payment a year? Like what other streaming services do? Or does BT provide this already? Also when it becomes TNT Sport will it be all encapsulated into the discovery plus app at all?


Thank You 

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Message 2 of 19

Re: BT Sport/TNT Sport Annual Plan?

No one knows what pricing will look like, but we do know that TNT will become a part of Discovery+ (or it’s successor), and the BT Sport app will close.

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Message 3 of 19

Re: BT Sport/TNT Sport Annual Plan?

The TNT Sports live channels and full match replays will become available in the Discovery+ app on launch day (July 18th), but will also continue to be available in the BT Sport app (with reduced functionality) for a few months afterwards - to allow users plenty of time to adjust, and for Discovery+ to make sure they've got everything working smoothly.
Also, the BT Sport app will continue to be the place to come for your clips, highlights, and articles - TNT Sports will launch a new app for all this content later this year. When that app is ready, the BT Sport app will close.

As for subscription options - you'll still be able to add them to your BT TV subscription, or buy a monthly pass. Other options may be added, though I'm not currently aware of any.
Message 4 of 19

Re: BT Sport/TNT Sport Annual Plan?


Currently the BT Sports app and BTtv app only give access to the BT Sport channels if you are a BT Sport subwscriber - which seems right.

I assume that although TNT Sports will be added to Discovery+ - a TNT Sports subscription will be required?

So basically - will I as a BT Sports subscriber with the free BT supplied Discovery+ app - get the TNT Sports channels in the same account on Discovery+ at no additional cost?

And will those who get Discovery+ free from Sky - have to pay for TNT Sports access?



The TNT Sports live channels and full match replays will become available in the Discovery+ app on launch day (July 18th), but will also continue to be available in the BT Sport app (with reduced functionality) for a few months afterwards - to allow users plenty of time to adjust, and for Discovery+ to make sure they've got everything working smoothly.
Also, the BT Sport app will continue to be the place to come for your clips, highlights, and articles - TNT Sports will launch a new app for all this content later this year. When that app is ready, the BT Sport app will close.

As for subscription options - you'll still be able to add them to your BT TV subscription, or buy a monthly pass. Other options may be added, though I'm not currently aware of any.


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Message 5 of 19

Re: BT Sport/TNT Sport Annual Plan?

Very good questions @ozsat but unfortunately I don't have all the answers.
As a BT Sport subscriber, you will continue to have access to TNT Sports. That's the only thing I know for sure.
I would hope that TNT Sports wouldn't come for free with every Discovery+ subscription, as that would only drive customers to leave BT.
Message 6 of 19

Re: BT Sport/TNT Sport Annual Plan?

If the BT Sport app is eventually going - lets hope the 'free' Discovery+ account from BT is updated for paying TNT Sport customer access too.

I take it UHD will be added to Discovery+ too?  Not been available so far in UK.

Very good questions @ozsat but unfortunately I don't have all the answers.
As a BT Sport subscriber, you will continue to have access to TNT Sports. That's the only thing I know for sure.
I would hope that TNT Sports wouldn't come for free with every Discovery+ subscription, as that would only drive customers to leave BT.


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Message 7 of 19

Re: BT Sport/TNT Sport Annual Plan?

Yes - UHD is one of a number of minimum requirements for TNT Sports launch. I don't know what platforms they'll be supporting it on though.
And yes - your Discovery+ account will be enabled for TNT Sports as soon as it launches.
Message 8 of 19

Re: BT Sport/TNT Sport Annual Plan?

Thank you

Yes - UHD is one of a number of minimum requirements for TNT Sports launch. I don't know what platforms they'll be supporting it on though.
And yes - your Discovery+ account will be enabled for TNT Sports as soon as it launches.


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Message 9 of 19

Re: BT Sport/TNT Sport Annual Plan?

I currently get BT Sport through my Smart Benefit. I got my email indicating that nothing changes once the change over happens in that regard.

My BT Sport login is linked to the Discovery+ app (a different login)

Will I have to do anything in this regard or will the D+ app automatically give me access to TNT Sports as the accounts are already linked?

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Message 10 of 19

Re: BT Sport/TNT Sport Annual Plan?


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