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Message 1 of 3

TNT Sport offer for existing BT customer

There is an attractive TNT Sports offer available to me in My BT representing a substantial discount against the normal subscriber pricing. However, the offer includes a BT-branded device to use to access it (amongst other services).

I really don't want yet another box. I already have an Apple TV streaming box, and I note that EE are using these as a streaming device for their services: I presume they would permit TNT access via the Discovery+ app. Does this BT offer for TNT Sport allow access via the Discovery+ app on a customer's third-party streaming devices or is access restricted to the BT device only?

I spoke with an excellent BT call centre agent today. Unfortunately she was unaware of the full detail and I was unable to hold for long enough for her to retrieve an answer. If it is possible to use the Discovery+ app to access TNT Sport on a third party device to consume this offer, then -


(1) I already have a Discovery+ standard subscription. Can the subscriptions be combined?

(2) Can I either reject delivery of the BT streaming device (sorry I don't know its name...), or send it back immediately? 


It seems crazy for force the customer to require the BT device - why pay for something I don't need, and it's not very "green" as it's simply superfluous - sell it to someone who does need it. I'm told there is an option for app-only access, but apparently it's more expensive! The BT-device option is a 2-year commitment, which I'm OK with, but the more expensive app-only route (please explain why....!) has a 12-month agreement.

Can someone at BT escalate this to a product owner and get some clarity? It makes no sense whatsoever. If you're migrating all existing BT fibre customers when they recontract, then why force on them a device that if used will be obsolete at the end of the agreement? It's so wasteful. I'm a BT Halo 3 900 customer with a year to go on my current contract but happy to discuss recontracting early with EE if it makes sense.




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Message 2 of 3

Re: TNT Sport offer for existing BT customer

A TNT Sports subscription can be used from any device, not matter what type of subscription.
You can add the premium subscription to your existing login no problem.
As a broadband customer, have you checked the price of the app-only subscription (which only has a 30 day contract). I can't remember if it's currently £20 or £18 a month. I'd be very surprised if you're being offered a TV package cheaper than that (after Introductory discount), unless you also want something else from that package?

I believe rejecting the TV box would cause your contract to be cancelled, but I'm not 100% sure.
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Message 3 of 3

Re: TNT Sport offer for existing BT customer

Just checked (now that I'm at my desk) ...
£20 a month for sport with no minimum contract.
£18 for the sport on TV package, with a £41.99 up front payment.
So over the course of the 24 month contract, the TV package would work out £6.01 cheaper (subject to the annual increased in March affecting both options equally).

In your position, I'd take the no-contract option and wait for the EE TV launch to see if the new EE TV on Apple TV product suited your needs better.
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