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Message 1 of 5

US Sports (Baseball & UFC) recordings cutting short.

I have been trying to record and follow the Baseball playoffs broadcast overnight by TNT. On nearly every occasion the recording cuts short well before the game is complete. Most games take up to 4 hours plus which TNT must know and yet the programme time is usually set at 3 hours 20.

The same has happens to the UFC broadcasts when all the bouts have gone the full distance and the event has run longer than usual. Instead of extending the coverage (and therefore the recording) TNT just cut the programme off leaving us all missing the end of a match or event.

When I mentioned this to the BT helpline the only answer I got was "It's a SKY issue and nothing to do with us".

The only remedy is to record the programmes after - but that is hit and miss and not acceptable.

Any ideas out there? I can't be the only one that has raised this issue can I ?


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Message 2 of 5

Re: US Sports (Baseball & UFC) recordings cutting short.

Hi @Parks  are you watching on Sky or via an EETV Box  ? The TNT sports channels delivered  via multicast on the EETv box are supposed to have the capability  to handle overruns assuming the WBD broadcasters follow the correct processes.

Hopefully  if you have discovery+ access you will have full replays available there.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: US Sports (Baseball & UFC) recordings cutting short.

Many thanks for the response.

Sky clearly can't handle the overruns and BT don't care. 

Just checked out discovery+ and that looks to be the way forward. I should be able to see the full replays the following morning so that's what I'll check out. 🙂


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Message 4 of 5

Re: US Sports (Baseball & UFC) recordings cutting short.

Its down to TNT to provide the correct EPG info. Sadly most don't and you're going to get this issue regularly.

Id suggest you get into the habit of recording the next programme too, and if thats a short one, the next after that. You might find it a pain, but its that or miss the end of your sports endlessly. I know which id choose, and its not the one where i miss the end!!

Meanwhile, get back onto TNT, and impress upon them this is a them-issue and they need to address it, as this isn't a Sky issue.

Message 5 of 5

Re: US Sports (Baseball & UFC) recordings cutting short.

Many thanks - I do indeed record the programme(s) after as you rightly suggest.

This is clearly unnacceptable which I will point out to TNT when I can get hold of them! 😉

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