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Message 1 of 6

Discoveryplus stopped working and bt passing the buck again anyone had issues with discoveryplus and

Discoveryplus has stopped working on my firestick I phone BT,as usual as much help as a chocolate tea pot, give me the discovery plus support email and website addresses that is a bot that is useless and email address that won't work, passssssinnnnggg the buck again Instead of  fixing issue I will give it to someone else, well there's one options for BT coming on monday fix or I'm going sky.... They are quick enough to take the cash but when it comes to support a healthy 0 out of 10 from me ho yeah the support they gave the website only deals with north America and Canada I said I'm in England I'm sure I held the bot actually laugh out loud... BT your rubbish 

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Discoveryplus stopped working and bt passing the buck again anyone had issues with discoveryplus

I have a Firestick and the Discovery+ app is working fine. What issues are you experiencing? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app?

BT Sport/TNT Sport are a joint venture, but the Discovery+ app isn't part of BT, you're just granted access to the app as a courtesy.

Message 3 of 6

Re: Discoveryplus stopped working and bt passing the buck again anyone had issues with discoveryplus

If it's letting you sign in but not playing anything, you might need to delete the Discovery+ app cache on the Firestick.

Message 4 of 6

Re: Discoveryplus stopped working and bt passing the buck again anyone had issues with discoveryplus

So I spoke with a number of people that have bt sport's app and subscription and this has been a issue. I am in IT and personally think that discovery have a huge computer system that is seeing certain people and reading the code of programs and seeing that these people are getting this service free but not understanding that it's a part of another company's subscription service and these people are included but doesn't understand that so it's stopping there service me included, re-activation and up and running. but best part of today was customer service guy giving me email and site address of North America and Canada discovery channel to get support because he pretended he knew what he was doing and when I said " if I come to you for a service and you include extras that then stop, I speak to you to help resolve this" but he didn't understand that  I knew he didn't have a Danny la rue but he had to say this " this is an extra not down to BT, we can only do so much" and I knew he knew I had with this "if you get Robbed and call the police and say go to the army would you then say this is your job" cough splutter reply" well that's the information is there anything else" yes mate there is he said what my phone said CLUNK,  Anyway I sorted it thank you 

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Discoveryplus stopped working and bt passing the buck again anyone had issues with discoveryplus

Sorry I missed the last part of your message concerning courtesy well I take offence to that because it maybe a courtesy extended to myself as was the refer a friend for £50 but as I see it BT likes to offer certain things and when people ask for BT to stay true to their offers it's a different matter refer a friend gave all details of my friend who I referred but got knocked by BT was told my friend had not paid his first bill and quess what that was a lie.... I didn't get vouchers how your company say one thing and mean another is disgusting refer upto ten friends and get £50 vouchers each person, what was really meant was get us 10 people we will sort out the first £50 voucher and then you can jog on the fact that this major company lied like a cheap watch makes me laugh your customer service are a complete joke and your voucher schemes are either false advertising or fraudulent in respect of vouchers being claimed and never received because of some lies about people who are referred and a story told by you lot like in my case "your  friend never paid his first bill"well I've seen the payment to you lot from my friend it shows different and if he hadn't paid he would not have the service he still has now. fraudulent because those £50 vouchers must be going into someone else's pocket.I wouldn't ever do your voucher schemes again because this company spin one thing and do the opposite. How do you give a customer information for a company on another continent. And courtesy keeping us quiet with the odd channel and voucher maybe BT should consider stopping courtesy and start sorting out some more games and descent games in the premier League..... COURTESY mate you knocked me on vouchers lieing about a personal friend of mine your customer services are rude  and talk to me like **bleep** on they shoe and you tell me about courtesy. When your customer service start showing me courtesy I will bow in front of you and thank you for that courtesy but until hell freezes over you have a long long wait.....

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Discoveryplus stopped working and bt passing the buck again anyone had issues with discoveryplus

As has been pointed out, this is a customer to customer help forum. The only BT employees on here are the moderators so ranting won't exactly enamour you to the community and people won't be willing to try and help with your issue.