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Message 1 of 8

Broadband cable

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Hi, I have come home from work to find my next door neighbour has had You Fibre install a cable running across my back garden within a meter from my house without my consent. Is this normal practice? Do I have some say in this? Thanks in advance for any help. 

Message 2 of 8

Re: Broadband cable

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What has this to do with BT Retail, you need to complain to You Fibre, whoever they are?

Message 3 of 8

Re: Broadband cable

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I thought it was a chat for friendly advice.
Message 4 of 8

Re: Broadband cable

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It is, but as this is a BT Retail Customer forum, you are likely to get limited replies.  It would be better to complain directly to You Fibre, and ask then to remove their cable.

Message 5 of 8

Re: Broadband cable

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As it says at outset this is a community forum for BT residential customers to help other residential customers.  



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Message 6 of 8

Re: Broadband cable

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If this company are using access to Openreach physical infrastructure ( like telegraph poles ) they  are supposed to follow the same rules OR would abide by , if they were installing on behalf of BT, but as already said , it’s nothing to do with BT , or Openreach ( because although it’s likely an Openreach pole ,  it’s not an OR dropwire to your neighbour ) all you can do is complain to YF about their apparently poor work.

Message 7 of 8

Re: Broadband cable

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Thank you.

Message 8 of 8

Re: Broadband cable

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Is this cable underground or overhead via a Telephone Pole?

If underground then they should not have dug across your land without your consent and a wayleave agreement, I’d contact a Solicitor immediately and take legal action.

If it’s Overhead then the ‘Flying Wires Act’ applies.

As it says, they have the right to put a wire up over your garden but it must be at least 3m off the ground and 2m from the house/building. 

You say it’s 1m away therefore they’re in breach so put in a complaint and they’ll have to move it.

‘Power to fly lines

10 (1) Subject to paragraph 3 above and the following provisions of this code, where any

[F38 electronic communications apparatus] is kept installed on or over any land for the

purposes of the operator’s [F39 network], the operator shall, for the statutory purposes,

have the right to install and keep installed lines which—

(a) pass over other land adjacent to or in the vicinity of the land on or over which

that apparatus is so kept;

(b) are connected to that apparatus; and

© are not at any point in the course of passing over the other land less than

3 metres above the ground or within 2 metres of any building over which

they pass.

(2) Nothing in sub-paragraph (1) above shall authorise the installation or keeping on or

over any land of—

(a) any [F38 electronic communications apparatus]used to support, carry or

suspend a line installed in pursuance of that sub-paragraph; or

(b) any line which by reason of its position interferes with the carrying on of any business [F40 (within the meaning of section 6 of this Act)]carried on on that land.’