Message 21 of 30

Re: Money Expert for BT continuing to use a dishonest script and cold calling

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hi! Are you suggesting I was belligerent? Because if you’re not, why mention it?

Trespass is being on property without permission so… it’s trespass.

The script said internet is bad here and I should switch to BT. Internet is excellent here and it’s provided by… BT. Therefore the script has to be untrue. I also started by explicitly asking if they were selling and they refused to answer that simple question, despite me having visible mobility aides and asking so I knew if it was important or not.

I completely agree it’s a thankless job, which is why I’ve complained here to BT and to Money Expert directly, rather than taking strong issue, or being belligerent, with the caller.

My door has a no cold caller, canvasser or religious visitors sign on it. Also one for no junk mail. And one warning of CCTV recording. 

Yet again, I find it really remarkable that experts and gurus here police the behaviour of people simply wishing to be quiet in their home without intrusions, rather than offering any help about how to contact BT - which was thankfully taken care of by a moderator. 

Message 22 of 30

Re: Money Expert for BT continuing to use a dishonest script and cold calling

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Such a helpful reply. Thank you. I am pretty much housebound so try and carry out business online but yes indeed, I can appreciate that in writing can be useful. I do hope you met with success with your local cricket club. 
I’ve already had a response from Money Expert and I’m hoping the issue sent via the moderator here will be dealt with but if not I think I will  send a letter.

thanks for taking the time!


Message 23 of 30

Re: Money Expert for BT continuing to use a dishonest script and cold calling

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I said I try not to be belligerent, and made no assumption to how you addressed the individual who called, I never mentioned trespassing, and as far as scripts being untrue , unlikely given that a professional company will design such scripts with great care so as to to include only that is demonstrably truthful, of course it impossible to legislate for those that stray off script .
Given that a moderator had already contacted yourself, then it would be somewhat pointless for myself to advise that a moderator may be able to alert BT to the failings of an individual representing the BT brand , if not directly employed by BT.
If you original post had indicated that the individual had ignored your ‘No cold calling’ sign , then obviously I wouldn’t have suggested that one may be useful in deterring others in the future.
My tone towards you was nothing but friendly and conciliatory , how you chose to interpret it is obviously entirely up to you.
Message 24 of 30

Re: Money Expert for BT continuing to use a dishonest script and cold calling

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Hello again, @iniltous 

just checked your post.. “I’ve seen signs you can get , ‘No cold callers ‘ , perhaps one of these may deter them, but **trespass** is a little strong , if all they did was knock on the door ,”

When I first posted I was thinking of the actions and responsibilities of the two large companies, BT and Money Expert, and the invasion of privacy and potential abuse cold calling can lead to. I didn’t expect so many replies to put the onus on me to respond in certain ways or take measures to protect myself in my own home. Hence I didn’t go into the minutia of the state of my home.  I clearly now understand  that ‘help’ here often seems to consist of such advice and one should include a full defence of oneself when suggesting BT should not be using a company that utilises such a script, or, as you suggest, if the script is not being presented correctly, investigate it. Plus, my description of the script has been questioned.  As an aside, these callers have been quite the topic of the local FB page today, and the same script has been used by several sales people all over town.

Perhaps experts and gurus might like to just think for a second about where the balance of power lies in cold calling. 
I appreciate your time.

Message 25 of 30

Re: Money Expert for BT continuing to use a dishonest script and cold calling

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We've had two visits from these people in the last few months.

We have a 'no cold calling' sign on the door but these appear to be the only ones who can't read.

When asked out right 'are you selling me something' they come out with a load of **bleep** about us being an entitled to an upgrade - which is false. They want you to sign on to a new BT package. Both occasions they have been disgustingly rude. On the first occasion they even came back later on the evening to try again.

I feel sorry for the vulnerable people who will be sucked in to it. Very disappointing BT.

Message 26 of 30

Re: Money Expert for BT continuing to use a dishonest script and cold calling

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This just happened to my parents. I have complained but why are BT allowing this.  Shameful behaviour. 

Message 27 of 30

Re: Money Expert for BT continuing to use a dishonest script and cold calling

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Unfortunately, those tactics are wide spread these days and by no means limited to BT.  People are too polite and easy going with these **bleep**.  I adopted a policy years ago that when someone comes to the door and starts with “Hi, how are you…” or “I’m not here to sell you something….” My reply is usually “Stop wasting my time and get the point”, usually as a prelude to “I’m not interested, goodbye”.

Edit:  it seems in this politically correct forum I'm not allowed to use the word m*r*ns, so let's just say 'not very intellegent people'.


Message 28 of 30

Re: Money Expert for BT continuing to use a dishonest script and cold calling

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Hi @Woody13 

I'm really sorry to hear that you've had a bad experience with this. You've done the right thing in reporting this as a complaint. It'll be looked into by our complaints team and appropriate action taken.


Message 29 of 30

Re: Money Expert for BT continuing to use a dishonest script and cold calling

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Will it though? I called bt call centre and was promised a call back nothing. I called Money Expert and was promised an email nothing.  You don’t care 

Message 30 of 30

Re: Money Expert for BT continuing to use a dishonest script and cold calling

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Hi there @Woody13, I've just sent you over a private message so we can capture a few more details about what happened here.
