Message 21 of 23


Many Thanks @PaddyB ,

I replied to your pm around lunch time.


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Message 22 of 23


This is just a sort go update.

Which is in fact nothing to report as the issue is still not resolved. I have had numerous phone call with the BT Cloud help desk who ask me to do this / check that and then I'm told have will pass the info to the supplier for investigation. I have, on request, provided two separate lots of screen shots showing detailing example files that show is being backed up but don't appear in the cloud. I have checked using various network monitoring programmes and I know there are connections to the BT Cloud servers and that data is being sent. It seems no matter what new files I try to back up the used GB value is stuck at around 9%.

I have had a letter from BT apologising for the time it is taking as that I can refer the issue to the Ombudsman. I don't see how that will help at the moment. 

I have no complaint about the BT Cloud helpdesk people as I guess they are just stuck in the middle passing info from me to the supplier and back. 

I'm due a call back on the 13th but I'm not holding my breadth for a resolution.

I don't understand why it is taking so long. I've given them screen shots, folder and file names and date and times of supposed back ups. The suppliers system must log what is uploaded so why can't they figure out what the issue is.

very frustrating


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Message 23 of 23



Just an update to say this issue is still not resolved. I have escalated to the Chairmans office and I am in contact with someone from the high level complaints team. However it is still a case of can you provide stuff which is passed on to the BT Cloud supplier and it appears nothing is being done. I raised the initial complaint on the 5th March and it is over four months and I am not able to use BT Cloud properly.


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