Message 1 of 5

BT Cloud Issues

How can a company as big as BT offer 1TB of data storage space and then make it totally unusable?

I've got the following problems:

Backup/Upload- I added 100 sound files yesterday. I started a sync of both Microsoft OneDrive and BT Cloud at 9.30am this morning of those files. Microsoft took 15 minutes to identify and upload those files. BT Cloud is still on the same items three hours later.

BT Cloud on Android- I've got 3 Samsung devices, one phone and two tablets. I've not been able to open a fully synced version of the App. As soon as I open it, it starts a sync, and then just carried on. I left one running overnight and this morning, it still wouldn't open for me to browse items.

Desktop app- rarely workable option. Either updating goes into error. Search facility is terrible, no filtering icons too large. 

I could go on- having the ability to automatically sync files on such a large cloud space should be a dream. To have a reliable, accessible back up, I've now got to do this manually because it's impossible to manage on BT Cloud.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this really the most shoddy service ever?


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Message 2 of 5

Re: BT Cloud Issues

There are problems with the cloud app at the moment caused by the last update, see the 1100 post (and growing) thread at https://community.bt.com/t5/Broadband-Extras-Apps-from-BT/BT-Cloud-Won-t-Start/td-p/2117275

I wouldn't advise uninstall/reinstall, some users have reported file corruption by doing that. 

Message 3 of 5

Re: BT Cloud Issues

Yes, I've been following some of those issues.

For me, they've only made the situation worse. The web version and the app have always had limited functionality on my hardware, and the recent update makes things worse.

How is it possible to make the useless even more unusable??? Ask BT




Message 4 of 5

Re: BT Cloud Issues

The cloud app was originally an F-Secure product and I thought that was bad, now I wish it still was an F-Secure product.

In my opinion, various updates over the years have only served to make a dire product even worse

Message 5 of 5

Re: BT Cloud Issues

Yes, I agree.

It's great to have so much space to save things on, but rather self-defeating when you can't actually access that content. Back up by all means, but don't expect to be able to retrieve it when you need to.

