Yesterday evening I rebooted by BT Smart Hub 2 and ended up having to re-register the Smart Phone with Alexa because of it.
If you have to do that every time the router reboots it’s a royal pain in the **bleep**! I had manually inputted a few contacts into the phone (anyone know an easier way as that isn’t Smart despite the name) and now I have to re-enter them all again.
Anyone experienced this or better still, figured out a round it?
a reboot should not affect the DV but a factory reset of the hub will. you can import contacts from elsewhere with vcf file. once you get contacts set up then maybe export a copy so you can use if another factory reset is needed
Thanks @imjolly
Intrigued as to how to import a vcf file into the BT Advanced Phone with Alexa?
You need to go to hub manager then select your phone number then contacts then import