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Message 11 of 19

Re: Broadband slow (0.16Mbps)

@MarkyB916 wrote:

I do use powerline connectors and they have never caused any issues. However I did remove them from the network during diagnostics and still had connection issues.

My master socket is type 7.


Many Thanks

Its best to leave them turned off for now as they may be causing errors on your line.

The master socket 5C that you have, with the MK4 filter, is known to have issues with poor connections.

Please could you connect things up as shown below, and see if you get a connection.

Which BT Home hub do you have?

nte 5c testing from test socket.jpgNTE 5C Test socket check

What speed would you normally expect to get?

Enter your phone number into this form and display the results here, but edit out your phone number before you post the results.

0 Ratings
Message 12 of 19

Re: Broadband slow (0.16Mbps)


I have already tried the test socket and still get the same issue.

I don't use a BT home hub as the one provided (a long time ago) had too many issues. At present I am using a Netgear modem/router. This had not had issues and I i have tested it on another line without any issues.

I also tried my backup Belkin modem/router and still had the same issue.

Many Thanks.

0 Ratings
Message 13 of 19

Re: Broadband slow (0.16Mbps)

And you are getting dial tone on your phone, without any noise on the line?

What results does the availability checker show, as you may be a long distance from the exchange.

0 Ratings
Message 14 of 19

Re: Broadband slow (0.16Mbps)


No noise on the line and no problems with voice calls.

Thanks for the suggestion of the availability checker. I've just tried it. Here's the results



0 Ratings
Message 15 of 19

Re: Broadband slow (0.16Mbps)

You are quite a long way from the exchange with an expected connection speed of 1 to 4 Mbs, however the last test on the 7th December only shows a speed of 0.19Mbs, so something is wrong with your line.

It could be an unbalanced line picking up noise that you would not be able to hear, as it would be outside of the audio range. Openreach have test equipment that can test for this.

As you are expecting an update on the 23rd, there is not much else I can suggest.

If you can provide connection information from you router, it would help, provided it shows the downstream noise margin.

0 Ratings
Message 16 of 19

Re: Broadband slow (0.16Mbps)

It's looking that way.

Thankyou very much for your help and suggestions though. I've bookmarked the availability checker as that's a very useful tool.

0 Ratings
Message 17 of 19

Re: Broadband slow (0.16Mbps)

can you post connection stats from netgear please

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Message 18 of 19

Re: Broadband slow (0.16Mbps)


Unfortunately I cannot post stats. As at 19/12/2020 I now have no internet connection at all.

0 Ratings
Message 19 of 19

Re: Broadband slow (0.16Mbps)

Hi @MarkyB916,

Thank you for posting back. I'm sorry if your connection isn't working. If you send me your details I'll be able to take a look at what is happening with the fault on your line.

I have sent you a private message with instructions on how to contact the team.  You can access your messages via the envelope icon at the top right of the screen, or click on this link, Private messages



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