Message 1 of 8

Emails not being received

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My wife has lost contact with two friends; they receive her emails but their emails or replies do not reach her. It may be more than two, but those are the ones who asked, via other means, if she was okay/still there. Neither of them get to me either, so what's the problem?

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Message 2 of 8

Re: Emails not being received

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Do they receive any bounce back? Have you tried adding the addresses to the safe sender list?

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Message 3 of 8

Re: Emails not being received

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No bounceback. These emails were being received normally - up until the time they weren't!

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Emails not being received

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Maybe the fault is at the sending end, do those whose emails don't reach you or your wife share the same ISP ? 

Message 5 of 8

Re: Emails not being received

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You may be on to something there, my wife and I are on BT and the other two are gmail. Always worked before, though!

Message 6 of 8

Re: Emails not being received

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Make sure that you have not blocked the gmail domain in the "block sender" section of your account settings.

Log onto the email account and go to settings which can be found by clicking on the username at the top right. Once there go to "Mail" then "Blocked Senders". 

Scroll down and check that "gmail" or the senders email addresses have not been blocked. If they have, tick the box and then click "delete". This will remove them from the blocked list.

Message 7 of 8

Re: Emails not being received

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That's great, it's now sorted.  I've no idea how that happened - to both of us!  I must admit to being  (much) less than impressed with the new BT mail but, having used the old BT Yahoo for so long, changing everything to a new email  would be a bit of a nightmare.  But thanks for your help[.

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Message 8 of 8

Re: Emails not being received

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I was looking for exactly this and found, as the other poster, that gmail was on the list although, as with them, I not only have no recollection of doing so would not want do say either; having unblocked it do old emails appear in th Inbox?

Many thanks, a great help.