Message 1 of 4

FTTP rollout woes

Posting this question here as BT are responsible for the works.


We currently live out in the sticks but have been on the fttp rollout for nearly four years (as per openreach website). It was all looking hopeful when openreach installed CBT blocks at the top of the telephone pole near us last year and announced they were closing the road for "superfast broadband" for two weeks. In that time they installed three new poles in one day and then left without a trace (there's about a mile and a half of copper cable to replace and installation of all the DPs etc). Quite disappointing but hardly surprising considering BT are responsible!

We then decided to contct the local bduk scheme who gave us a completion date (which has passed) and then another (which has also passed). There was hope again when they announced another two weeks of road closures just last month. Again, they did just one day's work and moved the new poles they placed last year to the other side of the road in the midst of trees etc that will make running a cable impossible. 


No matter who I call, the subcontractor who's number is on the roadsigns(telec networks Ipswich, who just ignore us), BT (who's shown as responsible for the works by the council), Openreach (who are just entirely useless) or the fibre rollout scheme (who have no idea what they're on about) I can't get any answers! The thing I'm after is what the project holdup is and why it's taking so long but no one seems to actually be able to take responsibility for it...

We've also tried persuing the USO from BT who quoted us an astonishing £90,000 with an 18 month delivery time; value for money - I think not. What's even stranger is that the USO website clearly states they'll only quote us if there's no fibre rollout planned for us in the next 12 months, however, according to bduk and openreach emails were due for it this year!...).

Currently were stuck on ADSL 3mbps no fttc available (too far from cab). Were cabinet 7 on the occold exchange. 

Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience and / or any luck with getting answers.


Thanks in advance

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Message 2 of 4

Re: FTTP rollout woes

Is it BDUK Funded FTTP?

If so it could be they have run out of funding and are awaiting additional funding.

I know of a few areas where BDUK started the build but have put them on hold or cancelled it all together due to funding issues.

Main problem with BDUK Funded FTTP is Openreach are not allowed to build onto it.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: FTTP rollout woes

Thanks for the reply - the people responsible for this are: https://www.betterbroadbandsuffolk.com/about

who I assume are a sub of BDUK? Your guess is as good as mine!

How could I tell if they have indeed run out of funding, please?

Also, when you say Openreach aren't allowed to build onto it, why is that the case? Don't they own the infrastructure / network?

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Message 4 of 4

Re: FTTP rollout woes

BDUK Funded Fibre is like a Developer building a road on a New Site.

The Developer own and are responsible for it until it’s adopted by the Council.

Openreach do adopt the BDUK Funded Fibre Network but only after the BDUK have made back their full investment plus a percentage profit, 25% if I remember right, which is then used to invest in other Fibre Build Projects.

There should be a Local BDUK Helpdesk you can e-mail and or phone. I work across 3 different Counties and found some BDUK Helpdesks are more forthcoming with information than others though.

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