Message 1 of 4


I ordered FTTP back in July, I have had several completion dates and I still don’t have it connected. I get no emails or phone calls advising me of any delay, changes or any other reason for the work not being completed.
I have been extremely loyal to BT over the years with TV, mobile and broadband packages. When will my faith in BT be repaid with some customer service?

it states when upgrading to fibre that the process takes around two weeks, now I am over 3 months in and still not connected.

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Message 2 of 4


can you enter your phone number and post results  https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL

are you phoning FTTP team 08005874787?  do they give reason for delay?

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Message 3 of 4


If your FTTP an overlay area ( existing copper service , the fibre network a later  addition) or are you in a brand new build ?, if a new build is there an ONT installed, if so what lights are ‘lit’, if an overlay area , is there any evidence of the fibre network ?, if overhead CBT’s on the telegraph poles, underground not as easy to see, but have OR or their contractor been in the area shortly before FTTP became available.
It’s possible that the delay could be a ‘spine’ cable issue, even if the local network is ready, it could be delays in getting fibres back to the headend OLT that’s the issue, as already stated the FTTP team are the people to contact as regular customer service won’t necessarily have any information to hand.

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Message 4 of 4


I am upgrading from copper to fibre, I have now been given a date of 14 Oct. 

hopefully that’s it good to go after that date, but regardless of issues over 3 months is a bit long to wait

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