Message 41 of 87

Re: Fingers crossed!

Every single dealing I have ever had with OpenRetch, since leaving home 20 years ago, has been a bad one. 

Every single one.


There is always an excuse.

The last few excuses have been Kelly's Communications. 

I'm expected to pay through the nose for this god awful service.

Im tempted to cancel the lot and try satellite broadband.

It can't be as bad as Virgin or Openretch..   can it?

0 Ratings
Message 42 of 87

Re: Fingers crossed!

Yes the global pandemic is an excuse!

I'll ask again, what speeds do you currently have? If it's above 30Mbps then it's a case of tough it'll have to wait, if not I'd try the FTTP team again as I believe that was the speed it had to be below before it could potentially be installed earlier

0 Ratings
Message 43 of 87

Re: Fingers crossed!

@garybs29 Yes Covid is an excuse.

It is an excuse for poor service.

It is an excuse for laziness.


Line speed has nothing to do with it in my case.

The appointment was made in December.

BEFORE Openretch decided it is to dangerous to do their job.

Both Openretch and BT text and emailed me several times the past couple of weeks to reassure me the install would go ahead... One message even said if I wasn't home there would be a charge for wasting their time.


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Message 44 of 87

Re: Fingers crossed!

Line speed has absolutely everything to do with it. Openreach have beem postponing visits based on it, i'm only trying to help but clearly you don't want it so i'm out

0 Ratings
Message 45 of 87

Re: Fingers crossed!

It is the date that is important.

In my case anyway.

Because the appointment was made BEFORE their policy change was introduced.


Not only that, but I have had 7 separate communications confirming the installation for today.

I have had to change my working day, to be in for these clowns, or face a penalty.

I was in, the guy decided he didn't want to do his job, probably because it is raining, so he sat ON MY DRIVE outside my window, eating his lunch, before driving away 

He didn't once get out of his van.

In what way is that acceptable?

0 Ratings
Message 46 of 87

Re: Fingers crossed!


First of all I really feel for you and understand you are upset which is natural but the harsh reality is Kelly's are useless compared to Openreach IMO.

Second: He would have been better off not turning up at all rather than sat on you're drive doing nothing. Crazy.!!

Third: Sad facts are they have the right to refuse a job due to COVID choose what the bods on the end of the phone tell you, It's the luck of the draw with each engineer whether he enters the premises or not, you was unlucky.


Page 2 of this thread you will see Marc's current line stats which could be a lot worse if I'm honest.

marc speed.jpg

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Message 47 of 87

Re: Fingers crossed!

I am really sorry this has happened, it seems they have just wasted your time their really

and should have stated via text if their was going to be any issues on that day.

I don't blame you for being angry as i would be to 😞





Message 48 of 87

Re: Fingers crossed!


It's the amount of hassle changing my work around to be home for nothing that is the issue.

Openretch threaten you with charges if you aren't home, yet at a cost of £600 to cover my work, I waited in all day, for a guy to turn up, sit on my driveway, eat his lunch, and then **bleep** off again.

That is the issue.

And I'm expected to just put up with it, like it's ok.

0 Ratings
Message 49 of 87

Re: Fingers crossed!


If they would have phoned to reschedule, not a problem.

But to send a guy to come and sit on my driveway, eat his lunch, then **bleep** off again....  that is a whole you level of incompetence.

Message 50 of 87

Re: Fingers crossed!

My questions to them would be - what new information was discovered on the day that suddenly made the appointment not viable, but still apparently viable yesterday? And, is this particular engineer not entering any premises (in which case, why allocate him), or is it a random choice he's making?

Looks like they should have re-arranged weeks ago, since their current restrictions only make sense if it applies to all scheduled non-essential installations during lockdown, independent of when the appointment was made.

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