When can I get full fibre in my house?
At the moment I am not happy about my current connection. Not ever being reached the 19mps download and 1mps upload speed which was promised to me. My max speed is 11mps or 12 mps , its only for few minutes ad drops down to 3 to 5...Unstable Internet, keeps on dropping down every now and then. Very weak Signal.
I need Full fibre ASAP...
Enter your postcode here https://www.openreach.com/fibre-broadband
So why don't you ring BT and ask BT staff instead of asking non BT staff on a public customer forum?
Only Openreach can answer that, as this is just a BT Retail customer forum, and nothing to do with Openreach.
Use the availability checker here Fibre for your home: Get faster broadband straight to your door | Openreach and then see the FAQ - What if fibre isn’t available in my area yet? for what to do.