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Message 11 of 26

Re: In dispair with Broadband and Smart Hub 2 problem for over a month

Hi James,

I can see that you've been in touch since you originally messaged us here. I am sorry that we haven't been able to get back to you sooner.

Reading over your notes, on your account, it appears that the connection is stable. I did notice that your profile fluctuates which can happen on aluminum lines. I can arrange for the profile to be reset without the need of an engineer but if the profile continually gets put back to up to 55 Mbps down then it may mean that your line physically can't support it. Only an engineer can give us the last say on that though.

On the 15th, an adviser left a note that you were happy with your wireless connection again. Is everything working ok for you?



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Message 12 of 26

Re: In dispair with Broadband and Smart Hub 2 problem for over a month

Hi Daniel

I think there is more to it than fluctuations but kind of given up. We have had intermittent service on Friday morning as every single day, no service for most of Friday night and all of Saturday. No tv nothing, just Freeview. Router just flashing purple. Couldn’t even log in. This morning it is running at this second in time but who knows for how long. We have no wifi disks at all I have one Ethernet cable across the hall to the living room and 10 meters of cable running up the stairs so my son can connect for his office (when the internet works)

My problem is being marked as closed and that I am satisfied but they are unresolved. Internet speed when it works is down to below 40 but as I explain, and I ring every day it’s not the speed I’m getting but the fact it is 0 for a lot of the time. 

I have two complaints no internet and no wifi disks internally. BT even have offered the always on internet product with sim card back up but I had to pay extra so haven’t taken it. Multiple people have adjusted my router, reset parameters and told me I just need to wait but they have not worked so far.

Grateful for any help you can do from there.

kind regards


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Message 13 of 26

Re: In dispair with Broadband and Smart Hub 2 problem for over a month

Sorry Daniel I’m just a bit stressed up on all things BT obviously you’re trying to help. Worst case really is that everything is working fine tomorrow when engineer comes which is bound to be the case and my luck!

Message 14 of 26

Re: In dispair with Broadband and Smart Hub 2 problem for over a month

Thank you @AnotherJames.

I would be stressed if I was in the same situation as you so please don't worry there.

I've been checking and I can't see any engineer for tomorrow on this. I'm going to run a few tests on your line now. I'll be in touch later this afternoon to run over our options. I'll call you on the contact number you gave us.



Message 15 of 26

Re: In dispair with Broadband and Smart Hub 2 problem for over a month

Hi Daniel just another note that although Sunday seemed ok while I was in the house, this morning internet has started dropping out and hub rebooting again. Company virtual meetings disrupted again. Speed seems to have been downgraded too, James.

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Message 16 of 26

Re: In dispair with Broadband and Smart Hub 2 problem for over a month

Hi Daniel

Home engineer has been yesterday and sorted disks out and phone. Is engineer coming today. Had at least 6 reboots in the last hour. Dongle arrived and good but hard to share between two of us working so still using that and phone sim.

Many thanks


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Message 17 of 26

Re: In dispair with Broadband and Smart Hub 2 problem for over a month

Hi @AnotherJames,

I'm glad to see the Home engineer arrived yesterday and got that part sorted.

I've checked your fault, with our suppliers, and I can see that there is an engineer still booked for today. They assigned it to an engineer last night. This appears to have been done as they've recognised that there were multiple visits before and they're keen to get this sorted. 



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Message 18 of 26

Re: In dispair with Broadband and Smart Hub 2 problem for over a month

Ok would be perfect if they arrive soon as no internet service at all for last hour

0 Ratings
Message 19 of 26

Re: In dispair with Broadband and Smart Hub 2 problem for over a month

Hi Daniel, just to report no engineer came yesterday. I’m not sure how long I can go on waiting for a solution. Can I cancel my BT contract? 

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Message 20 of 26

Re: In dispair with Broadband and Smart Hub 2 problem for over a month

Hi @AnotherJames

I am so sorry to hear that the engineer didn't turn up. I was reading over their notes and the engineer said they left due to a personal emergency. They retained the job for today and made their area manager know what was happening. I really am sorry that you weren't told about this. They should be out with you today but if anything goes wrong, I will look into releasing you from contract if that's what you decide to do.



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