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Message 1 of 7

Is This New Box On The Pole The Start Of FTTP?

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Good morning everyone,

2 days ago the pole outside my house had spray paint markings on the floor that looked like 5/G. Yesterday, 3 guys, a van and a cherry picker from Opals were moving down each pole to which I thought they were just doing some sort of maintenance on the poles. At the start of the day one of the guys nailed on a small yellow sign that said "caution, overhead fibre". Later in the day they fitted the following onto the pole.





20210630_094112.jpgIs this the beginnings of FTTP? The best we can currently get is FTTC. The thing that confused me was nothing was done at ground level in terms of power to the new "thing" on the pole. Also no work was done in the manhole by the pole. Does someone else come out and move the cables from the original box on the pole into the new one? If it is FTTP, how long does it take from this point until being able to order it?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Is This New Box On The Pole The Start Of FTTP?

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That is a Connectorised Block Terminal (CBT) used by Openreach to connect properties up to their FTTP full fibre network. It does look like you're in a good position but what does say?

Once Openreach have done all their works it will go through some testing before going live and Openreach will be letting Communication providers such as BT Consumer know that FTTP is available. Keep an eye on for your property and once it's shows up as below for WBC FTTP (not FTTP on demand) you can call the BT Consumer full fibre team to place an order - 0800 587 4787

Screenshot 2021-06-30 at 12.14.43.png

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Is This New Box On The Pole The Start Of FTTP?

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Hi @James-C 

The website shows that we have FTTC in the area but I have registered my interest so it keeps me updated. 

Screenshot_20210630-121351_Samsung Internet.jpg

 I'm going to assume there is still a decent amount of work to do to enable the FTTP connection. I don't think a box with a couple of wires that lead to the next pole is going to connect it to the exchange a couple of streets away.


I'm quite fascinated and curious as to how FTTP is done above ground because I always thought it was put through the ducts below ground.

Thanks for that detailed reply though @James-C . 😄

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Is This New Box On The Pole The Start Of FTTP?

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Just messaging to see if you've recently checked as I think some properties may have FTTP available to them now 🙂

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Is This New Box On The Pole The Start Of FTTP?

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AFAIK , the CBT comes with a pre-installed fibre tail ( cable ) of a set length , the planner will have indicated the length of tail required , for it to be run down the pole, into the underground duct network to the allocated splitter node , that will be in a joint box nearby ( the tail may be 30,65,100 metres, or whatever ) so attaching the CBT to the pole and leaving the cable coiled ready is the easy bit…that not to say it will be a long time before the next stage is completed, obviously if the cable has already been taken down the pole and through the ducts to the splitter , provided the ‘spine’ network to the splitter is complete, then it shouldn’t be long before the CBT is ready for service 

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Is This New Box On The Pole The Start Of FTTP?

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I was super surprised at how quickly the FTTP service went live once they "wired it in". I thought it would need weeks of testing, then weeks for it to sit on someone's computer before it was then signed off and went live.

As @iniltous has said, once an engineer has done the cable work, then it was run down a pole further down the road into the ducting and the service was live only a few days or so later. One of the houses connected to the nearest pole has already opted for the FTTP and even that seemed like it was installed in a few hours or so.


Shame the pricing of FTTP is still a bit too high (IMO) to justify it over FTTC that's rock steady and fast enough.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Is This New Box On The Pole The Start Of FTTP?

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The pricing of FTTP is exactly the same as FTTC for a given speed. It is only the higher speeds not available via FTTC that are more expensive.

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