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Message 231 of 366

Re: MacOs 11 compatibility with Virus Protect

Hi @kylerickards no offence taken.  😃

Are you saying you don’t have virus protection?

I certainly have that working with the latest BTVP. It’s only the firewall  that’s inoperative for me.

0 Ratings
Message 232 of 366

Re: MacOs 11 compatibility with Virus Protect

This has been going on for so long now its laughable. BT have stated it was going to be fixed it hasn't.

Apple only recommend Malwarebytes for virus guard if people want a 3rd party virus guard.

Best email the BT chairman, find his email on google as not allowed to post it on here. Also raise complaints, and don't let BT close it off with the most ridiculous comment, as happened to me twice.

Unfortunately its problems like this that drag peoples opinions of BT right down.

0 Ratings
Message 233 of 366

Re: MacOs 11 compatibility with Virus Protect

Well I've only got the Apple stuff inbuilt.

0 Ratings
Message 234 of 366

Re: MacOs 11 compatibility with Virus Protect

I'm having problems with Bt Virus protect software again.

When I switched my Mac on this morning the Virus software informed me that I did not have a valid subscription.  

I accessed the BT Virus Protect console, verified my subscription and successfully requested an update. However, the virus software's still not working; it shows real time scanning and updates switched off.

I've had to uninstall the software and download it again.

This is a bleeding nuisance; when are we getting a fix for this flakey software.

0 Ratings
Message 235 of 366

Re: MacOs 11 compatibility with Virus Protect

I’ve had exactly the same problem multiple times and irritatingly still no fix it appears 

0 Ratings
Message 236 of 366

Re: MacOs 11 compatibility with Virus Protect

Having retired from 44 years employed by GPO / Post Office / BT I have always tried to support them but the response to this issue has been appalling. Not so much down to the issue with the software but rather their response to it and communication to their customers, and closing off complaints without a resolution. 

Are these problems just with the BT deployment of McAfee software or is it common to all MacOs 11 users of McAfee?

Interestingly I have not seen the problems others have of late with "not having a valid subscription'...



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Community Manager - Retired
Message 237 of 366

Re: MacOs 11 compatibility with Virus Protect

Hi Everyone,

I am sorry for the delay in confirming when the Firewall fix will be deployed.  We are awaiting confirmation from McAfee so as soon as we know more we will update this thread.

@kylerickards wrote:

Steveee - Please don't misread this (as I know things can be misconstrued online!) - it's great it works for you but simply there are many of us that don't have this working through no fault of our own.

Yes - we could simply rely on the inbuilt Apple stuff, which is very good - but every bit of marketing, from BT and others drills into us how we MUST have security products in place. If they didn't matter, why would they be offered?

Additionally, in the event of bank fraud, they will ask what security protocols were in place, to ensure that you had at least paid some heed to the advice given. We're going to look mighty stupid if the question is asked "Did you have virus protection?"

Well, er, no, BT said they were looking into it?


Think that will wash do you BT?

Hi @kylerickards,

I am sorry to read that you are having problems with getting BT Virus Protect to work.  We are not aware of any issue which would prevent this from working, provided you download and install version 4.10.1, you can follow the instructions on this post, Download BT Virus Protect version 4.10.1

Can you please try these steps again and let us know what happens?  If you could provide a screenshot of any error message that gets displayed that would allow us to investigate further.



0 Ratings
Message 238 of 366

Re: MacOs 11 compatibility with Virus Protect

I have had this issue since the Big Sur update.  Had a call McAfee who blamed BT.  Then had a call with BT who blamed McAfee but organised a call with BT McAfee team who played around with my computer and concluded it was a BT issue.  I then had a number of calls from BT team over the past few weeks suggesting the fix was imminent - apparently BT's VP client file hasn't been appropriately uploaded on the McAfee servers.  No fix yet although have been promised a solution imminently for the past six weeks

0 Ratings
Message 239 of 366

Re: MacOs 11 compatibility with Virus Protect



Thank you for getting back to me although I do wonder why it took quite a long amount of time?

I thought the instructions were quite poor about what to do you if you had already uninstalled everything. Anyway it is working now, obviously sans firewall.

In the early stages of this debacle, we were advised to go and tick some boxes allowing full disk access etc and real time scanning if I remember. Am I rolling back those changes or does anything need altering to how it was? Not happy if things are being allowed to run that don't need to be.



0 Ratings
Message 240 of 366

Re: MacOs 11 compatibility with Virus Protect

Hi Sean


Have you seen NH14's recent post today (19th) which appears to put the blame/fix fairly and squarely in BT's court.  Do you have any response?  This has been going on since early November, so that's 2 months we have paid for a product that has not been delivered despite the extensive feedback you (BT) have received.  Do senior management know about this?  If not, why not and what level does know about it?  How do we escalate this problem to higher echelons in BT's management?



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