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Message 1 of 73

Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C208326 now live

Hi All,

Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C208326 now live

SGAB208326 and SGAC208326 have been made available as of 29th October 2021.


Important Upgrade Advice for Premium Whole Home Wifi Customers:-

For those on an older version than 8224 you will not be able to upgrade directly to 8326, therefore you will need to first update your discs to SGAB208224/C before having access to any further updates, including this release.

Since the last firmware release on Premium and Whole Home 6, there are many new features supported by the firmware and app that will deliver an even better customer experience, as well as a wide range of bug fixes for existing features.

Changes since SGAC20822A:

New features include:

  1. Improvements/bug fixes for Ethernet connected discs (to another disc or direct to router)
  2. Fixed issue with disc LED brightness reverting to High from Off setting
  3. New Guest Wi-Fi reduced priority feature (Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 only)
  4. Fixed issue where devices connected to router sometimes showed as connected to WHW
  5. Improved handling of Ethernet cable disconnects/reconnects with Home Hub 5A
  6. Device list improvements for Ethernet connected devices


Additional specific customer issues fixed:

-              New firmware upgrade server certificates included

Upgrade advice:

  • After the update, we recommend you leave your discs for a few hours to allow them to settle into their configuration
  • During this time your Wi-Fi connection will be working fine, but you may see lights turning orange and blue and short drops in connection.  If this happens we recommend not moving your discs or adjusting any settings
  • When your network has settled, you may also notice that the disc layout displayed on the App is different or that your devices connect to a different disc – this is completely normal
  • If you have good internet connection on all your devices, your Whole Home Wi-Fi is working properly so there should be no need to change its layout or network configuration
  • As this is a major firmware release, if you see any new issues after the upgrade, we recommend performing a factory reset of your system.  You can use the new Backup and restore feature in the app to save your settings before the reset to save time in setting up again.
  • If you wish you can rollback to version 822A, although it will named 822C as it includes the new firmware upgrade certificate

If the new firmware is not working as you’d like, try powering off/on all the discs at the socket and allow them to reconnect and settle.  If you still need help afterward, come back to us, here on Community, or contact the helpdesk on 0808 100 6116 or email so that we understand your issue and help fix it.


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Message 2 of 73

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C208326 now live

Upgraded with no problems but I do have a question.

Since the previous version, 822A, had proved completely reliable for 28 days I was hesitant to update but did so because it was stated that downgrading to the previous version is possible, but I can't see any way to achieve this . Not that I want to, but the option would be nice if any problems crop up.

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Message 3 of 73

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C208326 now live

Hi @tonyw1 

For reference you would need to use the web interface to rollback, via btwhole.home/rollback.htm. The current rollback version is SGAB/C20822C which is the same as 822A but with an added firmware upgrade certificate so behaviour/functionality is the same.


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Message 4 of 73

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C208326 now live

I've been posting regularly on the earlier FW update threads after I've tried each upgrade.  (last thread is now locked)

I still have regular reboots - on this version, this afternoon, it's rebooted 5 / 6 times.  

Most I've ever had is 7 days up time and that has generally been after a full power off of all discs and restart.

On previous versions I've tried factory reset (restoring settings) to no improvement.

I will try a full factory reset on this firmware and setup from scratch (not restore), at the same time I will change over the master disc to another one.  

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Message 5 of 73

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C208326 now live

Ok, so I've just done full factory reset on all 3 discs.

Changed the master disc with another

Setup the (new) master from scratch (no restore)

Added 2nd, then 3rd.

Unfortunately system is still rebooting every 15 minutes or so.  

I've reset the router just in case but still a major issue.

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 73

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C208326 now live

Hi @bigmick777 

Can you confirm how all your discs are connected (Ethernet, Wi-Fi star or daisy chain), what type of Ethernet cable you're using (cat5/6/7, 2 pair or 4 pair) and which router you have?


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Message 7 of 73

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C208326 now live

I had constant rebooting when I first got the discs, it turned out to be the router (Smart Hub 6) that was repeatedly dropping the ethernet signal. I changed it for another one and the problem went away. 

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 73

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C208326 now live

Can you confirm how all your discs are connected (Ethernet, Wi-Fi star or daisy chain),

WiFi - current topology is showing daisy chain

what type of Ethernet cable you're using (cat5/6/7, 2 pair or 4 pair) and which router you have?

Pretty sure it's CAT 6 - I can try and swap if there is a recommended?

VM Superhub4

Note - I rolled back the firmware last night, didn't factory reset (so no setting changes etc) and the discs have been up since.

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 73

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C208326 now live

Unfortunately this still hasn’t fixed the problem that was introduced in the recent flurry of firmware updates that means none of the streaming services work reliably on any of my televisions.

Everything other than Ethernet backhaul had worked perfectly for two years until these updates.

BT customer support escalated the problem to second line support over three weeks ago and I have heard nothing since.

Having paid a hefty sum for four discs that worked until these updates, I am very disappointed that they may now have to go in the bin and be replaced by another brand.

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Message 10 of 73

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C208326 now live

So I am currently on the 822A firmware it would appear.  I don’t have problems with re boots etc but streaming tv does seem patchy (including bt sport).  Really don’t know when streaming problems started but could well be that it was when 822A was installed.  822A auto installed without my permission on 24/09.  Auto update was off but it still went ahead…. At least this time it is giving the choice for now.   I really am reluctant to upgrade as I do not have the time nor the inclination to do multiple resets, roll backs or whatever hoops I will need to jump thru to make the System work.  Please BT can you give me some confidence the the upgrade will work first time and continue to do so.  These things are not cheap so come on BT please.  

help please

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