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Message 1 of 9

Problems with Digital Voice Handsets

Very frustrated with Digital Voice Handsets. Only had them for about 6 weeks and fingers crossed the SH2 never restarts or needs to be power cycled.

if SH2 needs restart or reboot (power on off), 70% of the time loose the custom handset name goes back to default Handset 1 etc 

also having issues with display, ref the battery status. When handset lifted from charging station the battery icon very often shows zero charge even if been on charge all night. Turn handset off and on and the battery status works correctly. seen problem over all handsets

Very annoying as this suppose to be future product. So either very poor product testing or I have a batch of faulty handsets.

I assume this is a firmware issue and can be fixed. 


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Message 2 of 9

Re: Problems with Digital Voice Handsets

Hi @SteveR1260 

I've had mine for over a year and I've never experienced the issue with the battery meter. Have you tried resetting the handsets rather than just switching them off and on?  It's Menu/Settings/Reset (very last option, or the first if you use the up button).

If that doesn't fix it you could try removing the batteries for a few minutes, then it's either live with it or contact BT I would suggest. 

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Message 3 of 9

Re: Problems with Digital Voice Handsets


I tried the reset option but does not fix problems

have 2nd SH2 and have same problems so must be handset issue

I’ll try your suggestion of removing the batteries for a few minutes and try again

Should I de-register handsets from SH2 first ?

I’m tempted to de-register, remove batteries, leave for 10min and register / configure again.



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Message 4 of 9

Re: Problems with Digital Voice Handsets

You could try deregistering the handsets first if you want, I'm not sure if it'll make any difference but it wouldn't hurt to deregister and then register again after powering up. I agree that it sounds like a handset problem and as you say because it's both handsets it sounds like firmware.

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Message 5 of 9

Re: Problems with Digital Voice Handsets

Hi @SteveR1260- I've just come across this thread and am having the same battery issue with four Advanced Handsets.  In my case it never adjusts the status from full charge unless I switch the handset off and on again.  I did raise it with BT but its been very hard to get anyone to take it seriously.  I did eventually get it referred to a product 'specialist' who texted me a response which missed the point completely.  It gave me no way of getting back to the sender to put right his misunderstanding.  I've attached the text.  Did you find a solution for your problem?  I did reset the handsets as suggested to no avail.  I'm sure the firmware needs an update but odd if its behaving OK for other users.

Many thanks.



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Message 6 of 9

Re: Problems with Digital Voice Handsets

Hi @AandB ,

I have since discovered that my Essential handsets have the same problem with the battery meter always showing 100%.  I had thought that they just had very good battery life but another issue caused me to reboot them and they both dropped to 25% or less from full.  I rebooted them every day for a week  and it was obvious that the meter only refreshes on a reboot, it stays on 100% otherwise.

BT's reply may be the theory but it certainly doesn't happen in reality.

Message 7 of 9

Re: Problems with Digital Voice Handsets


I still have issue with handset name defaulting randomly if powering off/on SH2, but thats another issue that I'm living with. This happen with the faulty set as well.

Regards the power bit, BT replaced all my handsets and have been fine ever since. I can only assume there is a bad batch out there.

I tried everything with handsets originally with out success.

The worst was battery life. The problem ones did not stay in standby long (max 24hrs if lucky on battery only). This is why assume there is a component issue that is draining battery / causing the status problem.

Hope you have some success, but please inform them of my situation. It took ages to resolve, but I had a BT person assigned to look at other issues so managed to stay talking to ONE person. You have a serious problem if you get different people as I found. It gets bounced about, follows ups may happen, and you repeat things over and over as different people pick up your calls.


Message 8 of 9

Re: Problems with Digital Voice Handsets

Thank you @Andy005  and @SteveR1260 .  It's good to know that my experience is not an isolated one.  Interesting that it also effects the essential phone too.  It's annoying when the phone is showing 100% charge and then just dies during a call.  I did have one of the handsets replaced but that one still behaved the same.  @SeanD  or one of the other moderators are you able to advise how to follow this up to fix the issue?  I know I can complain and get a single point of contact and if that's what I need to do then I can do that, but I'd like to think that wasn't necessary.

Many thanks all for your help.

Message 9 of 9

Re: Problems with Digital Voice Handsets

Hi @AandB & @Andy005 I'm sorry to see you're having problems with your Digital Voice handsets. We'll be happy to help you with this, I'll send you both a private message so you can send your details over to the moderation team.

You'll find the private message by clicking on the envelope in the top right of the community.



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