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Message 11 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

Many thanks Darren. Fairly convinced part of AVG suite caused issue. I'll revert back to Windows Defender, cheers John.
0 Ratings
Message 12 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

Feel free to try to reproduce it to confirm for sure @Guisgadgie - I can reset your account again today if you manage to confirm it. It helps us to better understand all possible causes of this issue.
Message 13 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

Daren - Tried AVG twice and NO issues taking away slots. Even tried CCleaner's "Health Check" as well as the one I use "Custom Clean". Can't think of any recent changes a/f the regular w10 updates. Will keep an eye on Device Management for changes, I'm stumped.
0 Ratings
Message 14 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

OK thanks @Guisgadgie - let us know if you find out what causes it.

0 Ratings
Message 15 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

Ah, just noticed one of the actions I must have taken has added my laptop on again onto position #2. It didn't appear immediately, just looked after about 1 1/2 hours. Weird! The Inspiron's been on line BT TV/Sport continuous since logging into CCleaner and AVG.
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Message 16 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

The device ID changed at 13:09 ... don't suppose you know what you were doing at the time? 😉

(account reset again to clear it)

0 Ratings
Message 17 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

Not sure Darren, I'll repeat two actions I did yesterday after you did my reset. P.S., I did add my Lenovo tablet and that came on the devices more or less straight away. This afternoon I'll run the CCleaner "Health check". Tomorrow I'll run the AVG suite (unless the CCleaner has taken up another slot. I've run CCleaner using custom setting and no problems occurred, Cheers John.
0 Ratings
Message 18 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

Just run CCleaner "Health Check" and whoops, I've taken up a device slot. Looks like the health check removes Microsoft Silverlight. Culprit found, I'll double check by running the AVG tomorrow so I can watch the cycling on Eurosport this afternoon. Many thanks John B.
0 Ratings
Message 19 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

Hi Darren, I've run the AVG suite and NO effect on devices, therefor it's pretty safe to assume it's the CCleaner Health check that attacks Silverlight. CCleaner Custom scan does not effect devices slots. Thanks for your kind assistance. Cheers John B.
0 Ratings
Message 20 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

OK thanks @Guisgadgie 

I've reset your devices again now.  Be sure not to use CCleaner in future then.