Thanks, I’ll try and get a corded phone .
About 3 drops this morning, one resulted in router reboot, still at 30Mbs down
Just dropped again , now down to 28Mbs,
Your line still unstable despite all the effort you have put in trying to solve the drops. Now time to get engineer visit
I will start all over again, hopefully they can find something
Openreach booked, BT tests confirmed an HR on the line, which you can really hear occasionally
So Openreach engineer attended today, all morning and found HR after much work up the road, now back to 38Mbs after one drop, then BT email to say they need to book another appointment?
Well no dropping overnight and still 38Mbs down , fingers crossed
4 days with only a drop at night or early morning, still 37Mbs down
Still 36Mbs down and a drop every 2 days, but staying stable